I am a 22 male that has never had a girlfriend. I have only had one close connection to a girl but it never turned into dating. I have hooked up with two girls but I feel that really just set me back as i was just desperate for female interaction. I have tried using dating apps but haven’t been successful. Furthest I have gotten is planning a date but the girl cancelled. This really demoralized me. Additionally many of my friends are in relationships so it makes me even lonelier. Any advice to using dating apps to get a girlfriend or tips for meeting someone in person.

Lonely guy

1 comment
  1. Hey there, I’m a straight woman, can I DM you if you’d like? Honestly I’m also new to this and very unsure. But this is simply one of my attempts to put myself out there, since the guys around me are really not friendship material, let alone dating lol. What do you say?

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