TLDR: Unprotected sex, mixed feelings. I thought it would be more sentimental or pleasurable but it wasn’t.

I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we live together. We suffered from a dead bedroom (on my end) for months and FINALLY, things are happening again. I don’t know where his new tricks are coming from but man, sex is unbelievable and like magic.

Until now, we have always had semi unprotected sex. We start raw and as he is about to finish, we would spend the last round with a condom. I have been on consistent oral birth control for 6+ years at this point. I knew consistent BC was extremely effective, but recently found out that it is 99.9% and using condoms may just be overkill, which is fine by me but it got me thinking. I had considered letting him finish in me since finding this out and we finally did it last night. I had been tracking my window and my period is due in the next few days, so my chance of pregnancy is low.

We started with a condom and he said some dirty talk along the lines of “you wish this was raw huh?” because the risk has always been dirty talk for us. I told him “well, my fertility window is very low right now…” so he took it off and we did it. I was really, really expecting it to feel like people said. I thought it would feel sexy and make us feel close but it was just… messy. I was on top which was stupid but I’ve never done it before. I know my bf knows the risks and he did say “we should save that for special occasions” so I know he doesn’t expect unprotected sex, but I don’t know what I expect.

How do I go about talking about this? We haven’t mentioned it at all today or even last night. I thought I would love it and I’d feel great but now I’m just afraid the .1% chance is going to bite me in the ass. Can someone try to dumb down how low my chances or pregnancy actually are??

  1. I used to be like this till I did it so many times without a scare that I forgot that .1% was even a possibility. You’ll be fine

  2. Wife and I stopped using condoms when she was on BC for 5-6 years. I finished inside her almost every time. Although we never worried about the small chance of her getting pregnant as we were both fine with the outcome. We had a few close calls where she was late before she went on BC and we were like you only put on condom just as we were about to finish. Also a few times I creampied her on her request because she wanted to keep some of my stuff inside her. I’m not a Dr. but I guess if you are taking BC properly the chances of pregnancy are quite low.

    Anyway the thought of getting my then GF now wife prego was always a turn on to me and very HOT. So that is just my perspective… keep in mind we are both adults and started dating in our mid-20’s and had financially stable careers so a baby would not have been burden for us.

  3. I’m wondering if the condom at the start kinda desensitized you. Or were you thinking it would make you two closer physically and emotionally?

    From my perspective (male) there is a night and day difference in feeling. So much better without. Also my wife hates the feeling of condoms.

  4. going raw and having him pull out is a good idea too

    less likely to get pregnant, clean easier (a hand towel rinsed in hot water is the way), and also a lot of women enjoy the optics as well

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