Did y’all try this trend/ lifestyle? Also, are the benefits that some of the NoFappers go on announcing in the community true or just an exaggeration?

Mainly what was your experience about NoFap? Any benefits that you saw in your life in the NoFap journey?

  1. I mean it’s probably unhealthy to fap a lot, but I really don’t get why there’s a “movement” over it. Seems like a simple concept thats doesn’t need a official organization. Kind of cringe

  2. It’s natural for humans to masturbate. Even on a daily basis, as long as it’s a healthy level, and doesn’t get in the way of your day, it’s fine. If someone has a problem jerking off too much, some of the things being taught in nofap may help them work on that addiction. If you are not in any way addicted to porn or masturbating, I don’t think you’d get much from nofap other than probably a fun discipline challenge of seeing how long you can go without beating the meat.

  3. As long as masturbating doesn’t impact your life in a negative way, then nofap would be a dumb thing to do. Masturbation is natural and healthy. Like everything though you can do it to much and become addicted. If you are skipping work/school, not going on dates, not hanging out with friends, etc. because you can’t stop yourself from masturbating then yea you should probably get help and stop/reduce how often you masturbate. But just not jerking off for a month isn’t going to help you most likely.

  4. It’s whatever. I don’t care how long people have gone without masturbating or if they do it in the first place. Not my concern.

  5. I don’t understand how can guy who has been fapping for two decades stop suddenly and last like 90 days without fapping. I lasted 3 weeks max. although I gotta say when I came it was one of the best orgasms.

  6. I think it’s a whole lot of placebo and from all the hype about it. I tried it and it’s a fun challenge to try and work on discipline, but that’s about it. I didn’t get any magical benefits from it like the nofap community talks about lol. I checked out the nofap sub and it’s a strange place to visit..

  7. It’s supposed to encourage sexual discipline. If research is correct, most men consume porn and a 3rd of men 31 and under are sexless.

    It’s only good in moderation because not having sexual release from time to time is just as unhealthy mentally and medically too.

    I did it for a full year, sadly it was during a time of great emotional turmoil. At most I learnt if I wanted to I could command better control of my body to an extent.

  8. I think its bullshit. I tried once and didnt see any of the amazing benefits that people claim it gives you. Plus my dick became so sensitive that when I had sex I busted in like 3 pumps.

  9. I’m not into nofap. I think their ideas a kind of silly. That said, I think that sexual discipline is an extremely valuable thing for men to learn and practice, but not necessarily the tenants of nofap.

  10. It’s self-harm. You start out feeling uncomfortable in your body and unsure how to express your sexuality, as many men are. Then you set a goal for yourself that you know in your heart of hearts you will never reach, telling yourself falsely that you can feel good about yourself in your body if you can just squeeze blood from a stone. Then you fail, inevitably, and feel even more ashamed of yourself than you did before.

    Most men feel unsure of themselves, and a lot of us live in cultures that tell us we are bad and wrong for having normal human sexual desire. NoFap is perhaps the worst possible way to deal with those feelings of shame and self-hatred, it’s like going on r/drunk to try to get sober.

  11. I admire those who can follow through, but it doesn’t work for me. Not only abstaining is just too much to handle, but I just don’t have a reason to stop.

  12. There have been studies on monkeys, where they deny them sex. They became more violent and aggressive than the control group.

    It’s a dumb idea.

  13. Pseudoscience (at best) cult fueled with miraculous anecdotes and western morality perpetuated by 1) impressionable teens that are lost in a common maturation and learning process in a rapidly changing environment and 2) aided by “teens” that obviously have no ideological agenda (/s).

  14. Ex-brother-in-law apparently had a low libido, rarely had sex with his wife and didn’t masturbate. I forget what the issue was he ended up going to see a doctor for, but they basically told him that he was at risk for prostate cancer specifically because he wasn’t getting any kind of release for extended periods.

    Something to think about, along with how those NoFappers are weird and cultish af.

  15. Shit’s a cult.

    I tried it like 10 years ago when it was first poppin’ off. Know what I was then? A dumb, horny teenager looking for a sense of identity.

    It may prove useful to people with true addictions, but it seems most of its audience are teenagers that think they’ll gain super powers and suddenly be able to pull the ladies if they flat out stop tugging their meat. It’s kind of funny actually.

  16. I’ve been struggling with porn myself. I get the whole “It’s a cult thing” and some of the things said on that sub are cultish but I want to be free of this.

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