What do you think of proposals on a plane?

  1. It’s basically entrapment, because if they say no where are they going to go? The bathroom for the rest of the flight?

  2. Absolutely not. Can you imagine how awkward it would be to say no and then have to sit next to that person for the rest of the flight?

  3. Nope. I personally wouldn’t like it. Firstly, I wouldn’t want all those people go be staring at me and eavesdropping. Secondly, it’s like you’re forced to say yes coz if you decline, it’s going to be awkward for the rest of us.
    And thirdly, im a nervous flyer so that would just send me into panic zone regardless if im with the right person haha

  4. I have a *really* hard time on planes and honestly, this would probably be a viable way to distract me if it were done quietly/privately and done by my current SO.

  5. Proposal should be something she expects to happen. Not like agreed date but she should know it’s coming

  6. Bad idea. Obviously if they say no you’re stuck in a plane for hours and is super awkward. But also generally when you’re on a plane you’re stressed and tired and cramped uncomfortable etc etc (unless you’re in first class) and is not exactly the nice romantic proposal most people would like.

  7. Not at all romantic and being trapped in a small inescapable place in front of strangers. I cannot think of a worse place to propose.

  8. I’m not a fan. Public proposals are awful to me and doubly so when you involve a random bunch of strangers who have no choice in it. Beyond that, it’s an enclosed space that will be incredibly awkward if the person wants to say no, so they’ll have the social pressure to say yes regardless and then they are trapped with all of you until the flight ends.

  9. Unless I met him in a plane, or the plane is a private jet, or there is like mutual appreciation of planes, or like an inside joke about them, defenetly a no go. C’mon guys, proposals are meant to be at least memorable if not romantic. Imagine telling the story to your grandkids? You need to set a nice example for your future family.

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