hi ok so this is my first time posting and i wanted some advice. im 20f and i really like this girl from my year. this is the first time i found the courage to hit on a girl after coming to terms with my sexuality but i dont even know where to start. dont even know if it’s the same as hitting on guys (which im not really good at in the first place so im fucked). if anyone has tips to not scare her (bc i live in a fairly conservative country and everyone is by default straight) or how to just approach girls in general in a non threatening way, please help this little sapphic out. much appreciated!

also idk if it helps but like for context we only know each other by name bc we’re in the same class and we never really interacted yet!

1 comment
  1. Where is the preasure coming from? How about if you just start with being acquaintances and see if that morphs into a friendship? Imagine if the two of you crashed on opposite ends of the same island and chanced to bump into each other while foraging. Don’t tell me that you would profess your sexual identity and then try to jump her bones.

    Connecting with people is a process to be respected and cultivated.

    Want things in an instant? Buy some powdered coffee.

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