I (26M) don’t know what to do at this point. For context, I’m a paramedic and I work 12-hour shifts 3-5 days every week. I’m constantly burnt out and dealing with PTSD from the military. I’ve had a few people that I’ve dated since I’ve gotten out but it usually ends because they don’t like/understand my lifestyle. For instance, they may want to talk about life, their day, or maybe go out to dinner after I get off work. Which I try to do but some days that’s just not possible after seeing/dealing with messed-up stuff. On top of this, I’ve tried dating apps and I get a fair amount of people swiping on me but most aren’t my type. For example, I’m very athletic however I’d say 7/10 women that swipe on me are obese. Which to each their own but that’s not what I’m into. Honestly, at this point I don’t know what to do. I just want to find someone that understands me, that I can love, and who I find attractive. But after failed relationship after failed relationship, a failed marriage, and therapy. I feel like nothing is going to change and I should just give up.

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