As an extravert myself, I find that it’s real hard for me to pick up on cues that are super friendly and comfortable vs. ones that are flirty.

  1. I mean everyone is going to be different. It would be much easier to just communicate interest openly and clearly but I also recognize that conversations don’t usually happen this way naturally.

  2. If you get a text from a guy asking you out and 30 seconds later you get a second text saying that was his friends so you should not take the text seriously … then yes, that text was from his friends but … you SHOULD take the text seriously nonetheless

    Because remember his friends need to pick you out from a contacts list … and then come up with the worst pickupline you have ever heared … all that while the boy tries to get his phone back

    They didn’t just pick you out from the list randomly

  3. It’s not 100%, but men generally don’t go out of their way to talk to women unless they are interested in them. If you are considered attractive, he’s almost certainly interested. If you like him, just make a move. Your chances of rejection if you’re even modestly attractive are pretty low… assuming he’s single.

  4. Voluntary: Making time, extra attention to details when doing something for someone, kinda sidetracking unprompted questions about them or what they do, physical closeness and most of all prolong and frequent eye contact.

    Involuntary: Depending on the people there might be something in the voice like higher or lower tone than usual or tightness in the throat. Excessive sudden heat and sweating. Maybe even slightly shaking. Dropping stuff more easily like a pen or something. Brain fog causing you to slow down for a simple task. Last but most important the smile that kinda ties in with the eye contact.


    Notice all of this above wasn’t gender or sex specific. That said guys can have a half chub but first it’s probably not very noticeable given most clothes and second it’s probably only the first or two times you’ll meet

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