There’s 3 in this story, me (m27) ex girlfriend (f21) and a new friend our friend group met (f25). We are all in the same friend group. Me and the new friend in the group are getting along more than well, lots of great conversations and looking to hang out exclusively, the problem is my ex who I “let down easy” almost a year ago, on what should have been good terms was still in effect “dumped” so I expect some friction is still there but overall she seems ok, not warm but cool, not totally cold, but cool. She’s cordial but we aren’t terribly close anymore it’s our friend group that keeps us bonded so to speak. The new friend met me, the ex and the friend group recently around the same time so she is still getting to know everyone including me.

The new friend (f25) is naturally becoming friends with the ex (f21) and I’m afraid she’s going bad mouth me to her. Is this budding relationship DOA

Bonus: without giving too much info, before the new friend met all of us I messed up with another friend in another friend group (f19) her mom got involved and while they both still like me I did lose some respect they had for me. I’m working on building that back.

So the new friend (f25), an ex (f21) and a friend (f19) all talk from time to time… Sooooo I guess a budding relationship with the new friend (f25) is DOA right?

TLDR: Met a new friend (f25). I’m (m27). I like the new friend and she likes me. An ex (f21) is part of the friend group. She is cordial but some bad blood from the break up. Another friend (f19) and her mom has lost some respect for me for something I stupidly did. They all talk from time to time. Is a relationship with the new dead

  1. Be the best representation of yourself and continue to be good and a great person to be around then you should be fine. This is so that even if the ex tells the new friend anything negative about you it will ultimately be up to the new friend to judge for herself based on how she sees you act and how you treat others. We should all learn from our mistakes and as long as you’re bettering yourself the new friend should continue to see the better more improved version of yourself and judge you based on that.

  2. Dude why the fuck are you dating all these very young adults? You’re worried your ex is going to badmouth you? The nineteen year old’s mother got involved? To be frank, even trying to portray yourself in the best light you sound suspicious as fuck. Maybe it’s time to start hanging out with people your own age.

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