What’s the thing you did as a child that makes you cringe the most?

  1. ugh.

    i used to slick my hair back with tons of neon green LA Looks gel, max hold, then spray a bunch of Aussie hairspray on it.

    they literally banned Aussie in my school because of me. it was making people sick :3 kinda like how i feel when i look back at my school pictures these days.

  2. I lived near a campground and I used to play a game with my best friend where we’d try to sneak as close to the campers as possible without them seeing us and leave weird notes in obvious places.

  3. Went along with what my abusers wanted me to do for their approval or because I thought I had to be a good boy. Now I bet they use my supposed complicity as a sign that what they did wasn’t really abuse, and I guess that’s my fault

  4. Fashion choices. So many bad choices.

    Some were just the fashion of the time, badly worn on my part. Some were just me deciding something was good when it really wasn’t.

  5. The Justin Bieber cut when I was in middle school. The pictures still haunt me

    I also went full buzz cut in like the 5th or 6th grade cause that was the trend at school and that was even worse. If all your friends were named Cliff would you jump off em?

  6. acting like a spoiled brat. It took me much longer to realize that im not entitled to whatever I want. thank God for being an adult.

  7. use to walk up to different tables at restaurants and just start talking to random people, how I wasn’t abducted I have no idea

  8. I used to look insane. My parents let me look as ugly as possible in every picture. I’m all for letting kids express themselves but cmon, they didn’t have to do me like that.

  9. Randomly DM girls from my class.

    Honestly not the worst but looking back at it. If you like her let her know. Ask her out or something dude. Not just message what’s up and hope that it magically happens.

  10. I’d get numbers from girls at football games. I’d send the first text and I’d rarely get a text back. Man I was embarrassing.

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