What about you would be a surprise to your coworkers if they found out?

  1. I recently quit my job in advance of a move but I know one girl I worked with was surprised to find out that I love musicals and theater in general. I don’t seem like I’d be into that I guess.

  2. Quite a lot of things actually. I don’t really share a whole lot about myself with them. Basically all they know is surface stuff, like the fact that I’m married, my husband is a SAHD, I have a 5yo son…otherwise they don’t know anything about me.

    I think the most obvious thing to me would be my having a personality disorder, since they interact with me 5 days a week, some for 8 hours a day, and have no idea.

  3. Most things probably. I tell them very little about my life and what I do say isn’t often even true.

  4. Definitely who I’m married to. My husband and I work in the same industry but in different capacity’s, I didn’t take his last name when we married, I also don’t work with a set group of coworkers, it changes with each project I’m hired onto. Therefore, many are not aware of the fact I’m married to that guy.

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