About two months ago I bumped into an old classmate and we chatted for about 10 minutes before I had to go. Someone I’d always got on well with at school.

A couple of nights ago they came up as “someone you might know” on Facebook, so I hit add friend.

Anyway today I see they must’ve declined my request which I thought was odd.

Now it sucks as it’s a kind of rejection, and I also understand they will have their reasons.

But it got me curious, what do people tell themselves to feel better about it?

I just tell myself “They don’t have a heap of friends on FB despite being fairly popular in real life, so perhaps they are quite selective about who they add.”

It shouldn’t bother me, but it does niggle away a bit.

1 comment
  1. Before I deleted Facebook, I kept my number of friends on there small. Just people I cared about. Not random people or people I barely talked to for years

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