My bf (24m) and I (25f) have been dating for two years. I send him nudes here and there, he used to send very “excited” responses. Lately l’ve been feeling really hot so I’ve been sending them a lot more frequently (once or twice a week) but now his reactions have been getting much more casual feels like hes taking them for granted. Our sex life and relationship is great as always and has not changed.

I dont want to stop sending nudes because 1) they make me feel hot and 2) it feels like playing games, like im punishing for something he doesnt even know hes doing.

How do I bring it up with him that I want more excitement in a way that isnt clingy or desperate.

Tldr- I want my bf to show more excitement about my nudes

  1. It’s possible that since the frequency increased he’s just not as excited by them. They were a surprise treat, but now they’re a regular occurrence.

    Definitely talk to him, as it could also just be he has other things going on in life that are distracting him (work, friendship troubles, etc.) But I would also consider going back to the old frequency – make it a challenge for yourself by still taking a ton, then figure out the best ones to send him. That way you still get the positive feelings from taking them, and he still gets surprises to be excited about.

  2. He might just not be as excited after receiving them so frequently. Kind of like Christmas. The idea of Christmas everyday is probably really exciting in theory but once you start to receive gifts everyday and have to celebrate everyday it becomes much less exciting. His casual response is likely a result of the excitement of receiving nudes maybe having worn off due to receiving them frequently. It would be best to just talk about it. You car force him to be more excited about them but it is worth it to bring up how his response makes you feel. Good Luck

  3. I found the best way to make them seem more interested is to say “I took some pictures today” but don’t send them unless he begs or asks in a way that you feel you may get a decent response. Maybe even get him dirty talking first.

  4. So get more subtle. Let your red lingerie peak through your shirt and don’t say a word about it.

  5. Sometimes less is more. When you get a special treat every once in a while it’s great, but when that special treat ends up happening on a regular basis it no longer feels special. It becomes the norm. If you stop sending them for a while, and then send one out of the blue his reaction may be what you are looking for.

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