Dear women, what was the most painful thing happening to you while having sex because of your partner not knowing what they were doing?

  1. I’ll go first: had a guy BITE my clit bc he thought it would turn me on. It did not.

  2. When I was in highschool a dude punched me in the boobs. Full force. He didn’t prepare me whatsoever.

  3. When they grab your ass cheeks pulling them apart. That shit hurts your taint or Gooch whatever it’s called

  4. Didn’t do enough foreplay and started fucking me REALLY HARD with an above average dick. I felt like I was being punched.

  5. Bit my fucking clit thinking I’d like it


  6. I have nipple piercings. He thought it would turn me on to twist them. How clever.

  7. Bottomed out in me. It wasn’t on purpose, more of an overexcited mishap. He’s far above average when it comes to size so he knows not to go that deep. Again, overexcited and he came down a little hard and I swear to god I though I heard something pop. I felt it radiate throughout my entire body but it resonated directly behind my navel.

  8. When he fingered me rough and deep like a pig digging for truffles. I’m kind of shallow, but wasn’t turned on when he tried it because it hurt. Be gentle, it’s hard to pretend to enjoy something when it hurts. 🙃

  9. Well I wouldn’t say it’s because of him not knowing what he’s doing but he would ram his dick in me side ways and it would hurt so bad hitting the sides of my walls

  10. We decided to incorporate a little BDSM. I was bound, face down on the bed. He started cropping the arches of my feet with significant force after I specifically told him that was a no-go for me. I lost my shit, called a stop to everything only to find out he had never used a crop on anyone before, had never had a crop used on him, had no idea what it felt like, etc. I immediately told him to lay face down on the bed, took his socks off and gave him a couple strikes to the arches of his feet. He yelped and pulled his feet away. I said, “don’t ever pull this kinda shit with me again.”

  11. Not enough foreplay, a chronic yeast infection leading to fourchette tearing. It’s like a million paper cuts. I’m terrified on trying positions that’ll will cause tearing again. Sex has become mundane as hell.

  12. Dislocated my shoulder. I have Ehlers Danlos. I explained to the guy that he has to be gentle and I can’t really be tossed around, grabbed roughly etc because I’m afraid of being hurt. He took ‘afraid of being hurt’ as inexperience? shyness? something other than ‘you’ll physically damage my body’ and didn’t listen.

    Hopefully the experience freaked him out enough to listen when the next girl says what he [can](’t do in bed.

  13. Using fingers to stretch the vagina apart prior to being penetrated hurts and is a mood killer. When I was in a relationship I suppose he was trying to fit himself in there. Glad I don’t go through that anymore.

  14. Fingering me without clippin’ those nails. I check before now, because WTF CUT YOUR NAILS

  15. No foreplay, no lube. He enjoyed it. I didn’t. I did complain when he was done that 2 kisses IS NOT foreplay. He may have been revved up and ready to go, but I was not.

  16. Stuck his dick so deep in my mouth I literally couldn’t breath. Kept it there too. He thought it was hot and has seen it in porn a lot.

    I like it rough but I need to know before you try to suffocate me. Even if it turns me on.

  17. This was actually a woman. But she was sucking on my tits so aggressively, she was even using teeth. It was fucking painful but back then I was way too insecure to tell her to stop. Had bruised and sensitive nipples for a week

  18. Bless his soul it’s a laugh now but my current partner one time cooked us dinner and had cut lots of peppers that soaked into his fingertips…We had sex later that night and afterwards I was BAWLING I was burning so bad. We almost went to the ER I was new to having sex and thought something was wrong with me. He told me years later and I laughed my ass off. It actually sparked me going to get checked out and I learned I have endometriosis so somehow it all worked out for the best. Love that man.

  19. We were starting to do anal (I consented, we’ve done it before and I liked it) and as he was going in his foot slipped on the bedsheets and the lube just let him woosh right in. Like he basically fell on top of me with his dick in my ass. As we had just started my poor butthole was not prepared. It hurt *a lot.*

    I mean technically he knew what he was doing but accidents happen. He learned his lesson to be more careful that’s for sure.

  20. I wasn’t comfortable trying anal, so he “missed” during doggy and gave it a shot….. in addition to the shock and pain, I have have hemorrhoids ever since.

  21. Tried to stick his dick in my ass, no lube or foreplay or prep on my part. It hurt like fucking hell (which is saying something because I’m goddamn sexual masochist, which means I *enjoy* a certain amount of pain with my sex lol) and I started crying and totally freaked him out haha Safe to say I think I cured him of the idea that you can just stick your dick in an ass without knowing what you’re doing!

  22. Losing my virginity. He wouldn’t bother to get me wet or used lube and he had me in a weird position and I was crying because it hurt so bad.

    Feel like I could handle anything after that.

  23. Hitting my damn cervix…. So many men. Deep dicking me straight away DOESNT FEEL GOOD

  24. Wrong hole.

    25 years later I am pretty sure it wasn’t “wrong hole” so much as it was “let’s see how this goes”.

  25. This isn’t the most painful thing that has happened, but it sure hit top 3.

    I was recently put on Amiodarone in November for heart beat issues after being on Xarelto and metropolol(sp) for over a year. Yah, it worked, but I noticed a headache starting with arousals.

    Then, there was THE incident. The orgasm that nearly killed me. The orgasm that should have sent me to the hospital, but of course, I didn’t go cause the hospital here is a covid hotbed.

    I had an orgasm and then another and a few more, and I could feel a headache start up. But then, I had an earth shattering one that litterally blew my head off. I thought I had a stroke, but I didn’t have the typical stroke symptoms. For four days, I couldn’t see straight, I was fumbling around, and unable to function, and I had to sleep in the dark with a mask on.

    Turns out, post coital headaches are a side effect of Amiodarone, but my heart doctor didn’t take it seriously. Another two tries at orgasms, and nope. No sex till I see the doc. He put me on a different drug, Solatolol, and removed the other two drugs I was on, but still kept me on Xarelto.

    It took a month for me to be able to experience any sort of pleasure without a headache, and now, I am scared to even let a tiny headache show up during sex. I’m still in the process of recovering from it all.

    Go me.

    The lol about this? My partner’s best bud told us that I should have gone to the hospital right away because I could have been having a stroke or aneurism. *facepalm*

  26. The very first time a guy went down on me, he tried to use his tongue like a penis and just …. stuck his tongue out and went in and out. It was incredibly unpleasant, and then he started to dry heave because of the motion. Fucking awkward.

  27. He tried to slap me, but missed and slapped my ear really hard and burst my eardrum. I was a rower at the time and I just happened to get splashed on that side, ear got infected, and I now have permanent partial hearing loss in that ear

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