I just lose the energy to even try to communicate with other people. Doesn’t help that I have a flat robotic voice. I’m not sure how to be an interesting person to talk to as I just shut down and barely respond. Could it be my depression crippling my ability to speak to others? Maybe very bad anxiety? Or is it probably both?

I’m just so frustrated. I’m going to be a social outcast for the rest of my sad life.

  1. Sounds like your depression is sapping your ability to pretend like you’re okay. Have you thought about getting treatment?

  2. You should try changing your perspective on “your” depression. You are not your afflictions, you suffer from them, but they do not define you. Something as simple as changing your language around how you refer to depression can help with this. You are not depressed, you have depression, it does not have you. Seems silly but it can shift the way you see yourself.

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