I f(20) have a 3 year relationship, at the begging we were sexual active, he was always attracted to me. Then we move to living together and then he start being less asexual active, he told me that when he has sex it hurts because of his phimosis. I have think many times to break up with him bc of that, I think sex is important in a relationship but he feels is not. I don’t know what to think he doesn’t plan to fix phimosis issue soon, I don’t even feel he is attracted to me bc of that. Everything in the relationship is perfect just that is making me frustrated

  1. So your boyfriend is in literal PAIN whenever you two do have sex and you think he doesn’t want to because he isn’t attracted to you??

    Oh my god really? The dudes in pain, it literally causes cuts in his foreskin. I highly doubt he’s not looking to fix it but it probably isn’t an easy process.

    But instead of being supportive, you’re mad about it? Really?

  2. Why don’t you help him and make a doctor’s appointment for circumcision. The guy is in literal pain. You shouldn’t take that personally and be insecure about it. I also suggest couples counselling for the both of you.

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