Talking to people can be very difficult, especially when you run out of things to say. What are some tips that you know/ have learnt that help to keep a conversation flowing?

  1. People are fine with the subject changing if you dont have a flowing conversation. Just have what pops up in your mind. This usually only works with people that you have already talked to

  2. Learn from hairdressers.

    – any vacations coming up?

    – where are you from?

    – where am I from?

    – how long have you/I lived here?

    – what did you do recently/do you have any plans for the near future? (Personally I’m not so into this one)

    That’s usually enough to bring up a bunch of side topics. When you run out of side topics, ask another somewhat generic question.

    Occasionally you can also just ramble (to be used with great restraint).

    Obviously don’t exactly follow this pattern, people will eventually notice it literally is the same as most hairdressers, but these are easy topics. You can also ask in any way how the person you’re talking to is connected to something relevant in your context. “How did you hear about this event?” “How did you get here, was the traffic bad?” etc etc.

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