I am 33 and I like working out and have always considered it a hobby, however for the past year I have had a hard time finding the motivation to workout. I just feel less interested. I have used programs, books, tried both running and walking, going to the gym and just doing whatever looked fun, but I am still having difficulty finding purpose and meaning in exercise like how I am used to. I used to be motivated to feel good as well as look good but I am curious to how some guys keep their drive to put in the work when taking care of themselves by exercising. What are some methods you use to stay in shape and/or push yourself to reach more fit levels??

  1. I have none.

    I’ve been hitting the gym 5 days a week since high school and I’m about to turn 30. It’s all autopilot for me at this point.

  2. First off, motivation is an illusion. 90% of working out is discipline and consistency. It’s hard to be motivated to run 7 miles with a headlamp in freezing temps after a long day of work. Being disciplined to do hard things when you don’t want to becomes a purpose. An identity. It’s something that benefits you in other areas of life too. What helps me is finding challenges and training for them. I got really into running and trail running, for example, and am currently training for a 100-mile ultra. I love running but a lot of days don’t feel motivated to lace up. But if I showed up to the race undertrained, or even worse, didn’t even attempt it, that would stay with me much longer than the discomfort of a workout. Discipline is hard, but regret is harder.

    So, ask yourself, what would I achieve or be if the work wasn’t required? Then, put the work in. Whether that’s running a marathon or getting a black belt in BJJ, that goal is your purpose. Discipline is your tool. And taking pride in being Sisyphus is when you transcend depending on motivation.

  3. Get a workout partner or two. The social aspects cannot be overvalued. That’s the reason I do pick-up basketball – the human interaction and teamwork involved ensures no two games are ever the same. Boredom will never be a problem.

  4. It’s hard to argue that exercise is not good for your general well being. For me that is enough to keep me making it a regular part of my day. Once you are in the habit of exercising, it feels worse to skip out and break the habit. I don’t know if I’ve ever finished a workout or exercise and felt regret after doing so.

    Try new things! There are so many different methods of exercise. I tend to go through phases of being into running, cycling, weight training. Last winter I learned how to lap swim. Joining a recreational sports league, men’s team or club can also add a social aspect to exercise.

  5. > but I am still having difficulty finding purpose and meaning in exercise like how I am used to.

    Did you really find “purpose and meaning” in it? That sound kind of highfalutin. Could you explain how? And why isn’t that true now?

    I just do it because I want to live as long and well as I genetically can and to look as young and good as I can. Oh, and I also feel mentally better just before, during, and quite a bit after exercising, especially a good run. And I’m a little proud of it, too.

    I truly don’t understand how (many) people don’t exercise at all *for years*. I think I would feel like a rat in a tiny cage without a wheel.

  6. Seeing some of the people around me my age, or slightly older, if I get to a point to where I can’t look down and see the Family Jewels I know I’ve got too big, I also want to set a good example for my kids

  7. My purpose and meaning is back and shoulder pain if I don’t regularly exercise. Also I have pretty active hobbies so I need to do maintenance work to stay healthy.

    In terms of staying consistent, it’s just convenience and procrastination for me. Gym is extremely close to my work. My work is flexible. So basically I use the gym as procrastination. Work a couple hours. Get bored or want to avoid something. Go workout. Come back and work more.

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