In my short dating life throughout high school, I’ve dated six girls, three of which were online because I’m such a loser I can’t even get a real girlfriend most of the time. I gave all but one my very best, and I made every effort I could manage for them, time and time again. Yet time, and time again, I wasn’t enough. I was once dumped for a job at Taco Bell. Fucking Taco Bell. Two weeks ago, my most recent ex, who I loved far more dearly than any of the previous five, and one of my few IRL relationships, decided she no longer wanted a relationship. I have no more girls to turn to. The response of “You’ll find someone.” Does nothing to reassure me, because I don’t believe it. I’m a fairly big dude, but I’m only 5’6 or ‘7 so it shows way more. I’m not the most attractive. I know that. I feel like nobody can love me, both based on how I look, and how my best is consistently not enough. None of my relationships have made it past a year, and after losing my last relationship, a girl I truly felt special for, I give up. I think I’m just one of those lonely people who have nobody.

Tldr: my best isn’t good enough, I suck, I’m ugly and nobody wants me.

  1. Good lord! Calm down my darling. I didnt date till I was something like 18/19 (and it was the crappest relationship ever). I also got married after 41. Your life hasn’t even started yet my dear. There’s so much time. Don’t waste the time you have now being sad, believe me you’ll regret it.

  2. Bro when I was your age I thought I’ll be a virgin forever it’ll change little bro. Head to gym.

  3. Most people dont know themselves really until their 30s and some people never really look at themselves because they are afraid of what they will find.

    I know it’s real for you right now but the only constant in life is change.

  4. So, you actually found six girls who were interested in you, even if you could not make the relationship last. You are 16, most relationships in that age don’t last a year. You are all young, still figuring things out, still learning a lot about yourself, what might fit in one month won’t fit in the next.

    That does say absolutely nothing about you as a person and your future chances.

    Work on your self image and your confidence. Try to get comfortable in your own skin. People who like themselves are a lot more interesting to other people than people who signal that they don’t even like themselves.

    You have decades to figure this out and decades to find somebody. I get that you are down after just being broken up with but don’t let that define you.

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