Whenever I have visitors (rarely) I’ve noticed that there’s a big difference in the way my guests behave, depending on their personality.
I have a cousin who is incredibly social, outgoing and confident. At my house (and I assume in basically anyone’s house) she makes herself totally at home. If she’s thirsty she’ll find a glass and pour water, or even check the fridge to see if there’s juice or soda. And she’ll just help herself. And I love it.
I love not having to make sure that she’s comfortable, because I know she takes care of that herself. I love that I don’t have to get her stuff, like something to eat or drink, because she’ll get it herself.

And then there are people who are the complete opposite. I worry they’re thirsty, hungry, uncomfortable, bored, etc. because they are bad at telling me. I offer something to drink, and they’re so timid that even though I offer soda, which they secretly want, they only accept water, because they don’t want me to “make a fuss”.

I find myself being closer to the latter when I’m at other peoples houses, although I wish I wasn’t. And all this makes me wonder, how would you feel if I (or anyone for that matter) behaved like my cousin does, and just be completely at home and at ease at your house?

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