Was out with my pals last night and we were in a side srmtreet talking about where to go next when some utter meat-eating marches up to us screaming to get our hands off his car.

The car in question being next to us. Kept screaming it’s not a park bench so we shouldn’t touch it. We hadn’t touched it.

When my friend pointed this out he got punched in the face. All his meathead bouncer pals were there by then telling us all to fuck off whilst my friend literally picked his back tooth off the floor.

How do they get away with this?

  1. It’s exactly because they get away with it that they act like that, all they have to say to any question by the police is that the person in question was drunk and the police don’t ask any more questions.
    I swear I’ve met some borderline psychopath bouncers in my time.

  2. Don’t think I’ve ever met a single nice bouncer. They’re all cunts, people who probably got rejected from the police for being *too violent*. Which is pretty difficult to do.

  3. If it was next to a venue there is normally security cameras.

    He needs to contact the venue (they often sub contract door security out and it’s not their staff) there may have been previous complaints against the bouncer, ask the venue to look at camera footage and at the same time he needs to tell the venue management he is contacting the police to make a complaint.

  4. Nightclub where I used to go as a lad had a few dodgy bouncers. One guy was sick in the toilet so the bouncer dragged him outside and up the alley next to the club and put him in a coma. For being sick in the toilet

  5. Went to Cardiff on a stag do a few months back and we all commented on how sound the bouncers were everywhere. It’s the smaller towns where you get a few protein shake wankers who think they’re mad looking for an excuse to beat up someone weaker than them.

  6. Having worked in events security I wouldn’t say most bouncers are like that. The ex-squaddies tend to be sound.

    There is a significant minority of roided-up bullies unfortunately, they crave the ability to push people around but they’re too unhinged for the police. Usually other bouncers can’t stand these guys either so they stop getting work with licensed, professional companies and respectable pubs and clubs. So you wind up with clusters of the worst of them working in one place.

  7. A lot are thugs in a uniform who probably failed applying for the police.

    There are some great bouncers who have genuinely looked after me in the past though.

  8. Because if you’re big, violent, can’t get any skilled job because you don’t have the mind for it; what’s better than standing outside a pub or club perving on girls and smashing peoples skulls in?

  9. Almost twenty years ago (yes I’m old) we went to Mint club in Leeds and one of my mates was completely wasted. We managed to get him through the door but he immediately took his top off and the bouncer grabbed him and pulled him out of the door.

    We were gutted and assumed they had fucked him over but when we got outside the bouncer had sat him down and given him a glass of water. He then said to us ‘don’t worry lads, just let him calm down and he can go back in’.

    Only good experience of bouncers. Thought I’d add a bit of balance.

  10. It depends on the bouncer, I worked as a bar manager. And some of the bouncers we hired were crazy and shouldn’t be in charge of keeping the peace. But some of them are lovely, and very nice people.

    But when you get drunk person after drunk person hurling abuse at your, and getting in your personal space. There is only so much you can take before becoming a prick. The bouncers that I hate are the ones who have an ego, and you can tell by getting in the line. It’s always the ones who chew gum and give the up and down, I always told my bouncers “You’re the first person they see as they enter the venue and the last person they see as they leave, you need to set an example and make them feel welcomed and they are a guest. So hold the door open for them, and be polite and friendly at all time. I’ll radio you if we have an issue” we hardly had any issues, most bouncers we hired didn’t like that, they wanted to look tough and kick people out.

    Nope I believe a bouncer is the most important person before entering a venue, if they are a prick you aren’t going to want to stay. But if they are nice, you feel welcomed and safe.

    So this is my tip, be nice to them. Ask them how their night is, see if they want a coffee or some water from behind the bar. If you look after them and treat them like a human, and if you get into some shit at a bar or night club. They’ll look after you.


    I saw a comment about squaddies becoming bouncers, these guys/girls tend to be the best bouncers as they are very regimented and you can count on them when shit goes down, they are also the most friendliest.

  11. They are dicks.

    When I worked for HMRC in 2004 I ended up arresting one outside Time/Envy in Portsmouth. He was a builder by day and bouncer by night. He was fiddling his VAT so once I checked with the club how he was being paid and to which company (his building one) things didn’t match his returns. So turned up on a friday at 5pm with a colleague (he was having pre drinks before starting bouncing) and we asked him to come with us. He wouldn’t. He got up in our faces so we arrested him.

    Was a double edged sword. The other bouncers wouldn’t touch me but I couldn’t get into any clubs.

    They are tossers.

  12. Guy I worked with did the doors as a side gig

    He used to watch action movies for ideas then test the moves out on punters who stepped out of line

  13. The police can only investigate violent crime if you go ahead and report it.

    But the other answer would be that anabolic steroids and low intellect are a helluva bad combination.

  14. The correct answer to this is that it is GBH and he could, technically, be charged with that and at least lose his SIA licence.

    I know people will say “the police will do sod all” but I’d advise contacting the police ASAP, there is likely security footage so things could well go in your favour.

  15. its mainly ppl from the gym with an ego who go to the job centre for a security licence. where better to stand and flex all night than where 100% of ppl need to pass.

    i was in the bodybuilding world for years, it was just something ppl did. i couldnt care less about it and went down the PT route, but it was a big ego thing. still is but it seems there are less crazy units doing ti now.

    they all know each other, they are the types to make gyms totally shit and all about them. shame because old plate welded shit hole gyms were always the best

  16. The real hard bouncers, the ones who spark you in one punch, are usually the quiet, polite ones.

    The loud ones are usually coked up and have a pack mentality.
    I’ll never forget the time many years ago I saw one short lad (who was clearly hard as nails) batter 5 loud mouth egotistical bouncers on his own.

  17. When I was 18 I was on one of my first (legal) nights out and a girl that had a similar dress on to me was standing on a table shouting at her boyfriend, I walked out of the toilets and 2 bouncers picked me up and carried me outside and literally threw me out the club because they thought it was me. Didn’t even ask me to leave or anything before they came and out their hands on me, the girl only had a similar dress on but different hair colour and everything 🙄

  18. Similar vibe to plod.

    Prolly bullied at school, Discovered roids, got hench, and enjoy the Authority they have.

    It doesn’t help that young drunk girls give them a bit of attention too.

  19. A particular bouncer in my area had got away with a lot of assaults and at one point slept with my mates girlfriend. We were pleased to hear that he’d been set up in a drugs sting and ended up going away for a few years for dealing drugs on the doors. Not surprised as he is a complete prick but what was surprising was that he had set up a series of cameras in the female toilets and ended up on the sex offenders register. In jail without his steroids and tarred with being a predator I don’t think life was easy in jail for him if the rumours are true!

  20. Went to a club dressed as a Teletubby. Red one to be precise.

    Slipped SLIGHTLY going down some stairs…because they were wet. I explained this as I was thrown out, they weren’t keen on listening.

    Sprinted back to halls and changed, went back and still had the band so got straight back in…guess who’s back? Back again? Po is back. Tell a friend. You fat wankers.

  21. Sadly I do this job i work at a bowling alley and a strip club whilst at Uni and I refuse to work with lads who will gloat about smashing people up, sadly I get a lot of abuse etc and it is demanding, but I have a zero violence policy… not all of us are roided up dumb asses some of us need to work to pay for school

  22. I think the issue is burden of proof, especially if it’s an area without CCTV. If a group of bouncers stick together, it’s very difficult for the victim’s word to be taken by the Police.

    There is little chance this would get the CPS to prosecute with such low chance of conviction. So, sadly, it’s not worth the Police’s time (and paperwork) to even try. Also it would lower the successful conviction rate, which neither like, since it makes them look bad.

    As an added factor, if this was a weekend night in a town centre for instance, the Police would rather their officers are out actively policing than back at the station for hours doing all the admin etc for something they know isn’t going to go anywhere.

    All of the above totally stinks but it’s a harsh reality in these situations.

    Edit: Just to add my own experience from about 20 years ago. I always liked to use cash on a night out, so I wouldn’t drunkenly overspend, however one night, I needed some more cash and only had my bank card (non-debit), so I had to run to the cash point quickly while my friends queued for the club.

    So, I was kind of jogging along the path and as I went past the Pitcher and Piano, a doorman literally sucker punched me. I didn’t know what hit me. Just after, a police car came round the corner and dripping with blood, told them what had happened. They were totally disinterested – it’s my word against his. The doorman said I was trying to run into the bar. Police said, nothing we can do mate. I said what about cctv on the door and they said it wasn’t worth their time, deal with it. Thanks a bunch Officer!

    I even went in after the weekend and spoke to a manager of the bar. Needless to say, they also weren’t interested and denied having any CCTV. Simply, they didn’t want to bring any trouble on themselves, so there was no benefit in co-operating with me.

    NB: I was a skinny lad with glasses, not someone who would look like a fighter of any kind. Just sucked to be me that night.

  23. I was sexually assaulted by a bouncer whilst I was on the dance floor. I went to tell the other bouncers that worked there what he did and they all laughed at me, said I was too drunk and chucked me out by myself on the street. They’re dicks.

  24. I’m a ‘bouncer’ or door staff myself and I’d like to say I apologise on the way you got treated on that night. It shows the upmost unprofessionalism from our industry. I would highly recommend filing a police report and reporting it direct to the SIA. Also make an access request to the venue and ask for any footage of it.

    Unfortunately there’s assholes in every line of work, just seems more in the private security industry.

    Any good door staff should be able to deal with 9/10 of situations without needing to use reasonable force.

  25. My husband and I were physically dragged out of a pub once by the bouncer for absolutely no reason other than I told the manager that one of his friends kept purposely barging in to me and to please ask her to stop. I’m only 5’4 and one particular bouncer actually smacked me across the head. When I left a negative review on their Google page they counteracted it by getting all their friends to leave five star reviews. And I know it was their mates because I found the bouncer on their instagram page so knew his name. Tell me how a bouncer can leave a glowing review of a pub he works at 🙄 I also contacted the brewery that owns them but they didn’t want to know either. The whole thing was fucked up.

  26. I was walking down the street one late night after work in Leeds, next thing I know I woke up in hospital the next day with a fractured skull. Some bellend bouncer had rugby tackled me from behind causing me to face plant the floor, after someone wrongly told them I had been in the club I walked past and had stolen something. I was concussed for 2 weeks and still have a huge scare 8 years later. Hate bouncers with a passion and have never been able to go round town drinking since.

  27. I used to be a Doorman. And you’re right, 90% of them were dickheads. Few decent lads but most were just there to flex. They only did two things and that was the gym and the door.

  28. I got followed down the street by 3 guys all looking for a fight, They didn’t like it when I stood my ground and all attacked me at once , I ended up getting the shit kicked out of me and 6 stitches in my face later went and got the security footage , Turns out the bouncer on the door of the chicken shop had come down the street , Taken off his jacket put it in their car and helped them beat the fuck out of me lol Police did nothing even though we had his face and licence plate

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