Edit : same question for an ugly woman

  1. healthy and secure? I dont know. im sure it is common, but not im my 28 years of life. Most of boys will date an ugly girl b/c theyre lonely and leave them for a girl that is more attractive down the road.

  2. Yes, it’s much easier for a woman who isn’t conventionally attractive (beauty is in the eye of the beholder) than a man.

  3. You’re beautiful to someone. Whether you give them a chance or not is another story. Women these days tend to think they’re a lot higher quality than what they are unfortunately. As guys we know from a young age where we stand, because no one gives one flying F about our feelings.

  4. Most of the traits that are considered conventionally attractive are short term ideals that we’re taught to appreciate, either through peers or the media & will eventually change or become irrelevant.

    There’s someone out there that will find beauty in anyone, probably.

    Beauty is as fragile as everything else it is to be human, few people meet the high standards indefinitely, at least, not naturally…

  5. You’re almost certainly better looking than you think you are. Humanity isn’t Instagram, most of us are average at best. We get older, we gain weight, get health problems, shit just happens and a trip to your local grocery will show you tons of conventionally unattractive people married with kids.

    It’s actually somewhat ironic-we’re in the era of “beautiful at any size” and “body positivity” while worshipping girl with butt implants and photoshop who create figures you will never see in real life. Filters, pounds of makeup, an almost obsessive dedication to develop the Kim K body type.

    But Outside(TM) doesn’t look like that. The vast majority of men aren’t walking around with 8 packs, perfect makeup jobs and the hairline of a 20 year old.

    The TL;DR of this is that most of us realize that we’re not perfect and aren’t on the prowl for a perfect woman. Social media has created such an unrealistic image of humanity that they’ve started crossing into the uncanny valley and made average seem ugly. I’ve met very few truly ugly people in my life, most people are just average and that’s fine.

  6. Totally possible and common, if we are talking facial attractiveness.

    Everyone can improve their overall attractiveness though regardless of your face. For looks, you can improve your diet and exercise to get a better body. Find a great hairdresser for a hairstyle that suits your face best. Flattering and stylish clothing. For the face, having good skin makes a big difference – if you have facial conditions like rosacea, acne etc then see a dermatologist and get those sorted out. Wear sunscreen every day too to preserve the skin you have

    And then there’s how you behave. If you’re kind, thoughtful, fun and a good listener that’s very attractive no matter how you look. Being a good cook is also a big plus

  7. Yes absolutely. Everyone is appealing to someone…and not everyone really cares about looks.

    One of my good friends (former model/professional male “dancer”) is married to a woman who looks remarkably like Steve Buscemi…they’re both quite happy.

  8. If she doesnt have unrealistic standards and the man she meets also doesnt have unrealistic standards. Sure. But in my experience, most of the unattractive women I’ve met still go after very good looking men and then end up hating all men because they dont get the men they want.

  9. average is average. most people are average at everything, including looks.

    that’s why they keep getting married and having kids. and the world keeps turning around.

    there are many, many people out there who fall in love with the heart’s tenderness, not the body’s superficial appearance.

  10. Totally possible. Super common. Just met a couple yesterday.I think the key is being available, sweet, kind, and having self respect. You gotta show off the good qualities, but also have a backbone. Don’t be a “pick-me” girl and you’ll date above your “league.” Dressing well is super important!!

    The only times a woman has turned me off personally is if she looks like a slob (hygiene) issues. Girls that are “ugly” have attracted me before just by virtue of being bubbly and laughing at my jokes… a lot of it is personality. Like.. a lot.

  11. Attractiveness has nothing to do with a healthy and secure relationship. You need a little bit of luck and be a good partner yourself.

  12. It’s not because you’re attractive that you will end up in a healthy and secure relationship. It’s because you’re with the right person and a man that is considered very attractive isn’t for sure going to give you a better relationship than a average/bad looking man.
    What I mean is that looks have little to do with how good your relationship can/will be.

  13. ugly women get with ugly men. the relationship can be as healthy and secure as any other.

    are you really asking whether its possible/common with an attractive man? bc thats a different story

  14. Yes. But it’s also pretty common for an unattractive girl to get used by a bunch of guys that “just aren’t ready for a relationship with anyone right now”

  15. I’m 99% attracted to personality and 1% attracted to looks. And that 1% looks is solely hygiene so absolutely

  16. It’s not the woman that is unattractive, it’s the behaviour.

    I personally find promiscuous women very attractive, and self centered attention seeking women unattractive.

  17. Yes, looks aren’t everything, even to guys. Many a guy has dated down and found a sweet loving girl.

    But what makes a girl unattractive? Facial looks?Figure? Weight? Some things can be worked on fairly easily, some things are trickier. Maximize what you do have. Hit the gym, work on hair and make up, dress well. Men have a burden of performance, so do women. There’s more within your control than you think when it comes to physical attractiveness.

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