And did you do anything about it?

  1. I once had a status epilepticus seizure in a Denny’s after already spending 16 hours in the ER due to having a tonic-clonic seizure at work that gave me a mild concussion (thankfully I used to work in a hospital). This was on my way home, too. I woke up again back in the ER. I was stuck in the hospital for 3 days. This is when I was diagnosed with epilepsy.

    When I could go back to work again about a week or so later, my manager came to my office just to tell me I wasn’t worth it to be an employee and needed to go on disability. She stated I was nothing but a problem and was just going to be a distraction. She didn’t even ask how I was.
    That was 7 years ago and it still echoes in me upsettingly. I just dont know why. I didn’t do anything and I should have. I was just shocked and hurt. I ended up losing my job about 4 months later.

  2. Told me that I needed to stay at least until lunch when I went up to him and told him and I was bleeding and needed to go to the ER. He knew that I was (and still am) pregnant. I was sobbing and freaking out because I was potentially miscarrying. I snapped at him and told him I was leaving and he told me I needed to think about my priorities and that I should consider if I wanted my job or not.

    I went to the ER and they told me I had a threatened miscarriage. My blood type made it even more risky. I went to HR as soon as possible and reported him. They tried to pussyfoot around about how he’s a *man* and how he doesn’t know and yada yada. I stood my ground, demanded he be reprimanded.

    I ended up quitting because I was so angry and, also, my OB put me on bed rest and I was way way WAY too stressed to try to figure out if I could be on FMLA or anything like that.

    But before I did, I let everyone in my area know what happened šŸ™‚ There was a major flow of demands to be moved from that area by a lot of employees because surprise surprise he had pulled crap like that before. Last I heard, he was fired for other reasons but, god, I wish I had ripped him a new one before quitting. He was a *bastard.*

  3. Sexually harrassed me for months verbally. I was only 17/18 and confided in a co worker. He did the same to her too.

  4. I had a high authority figure drop by my department at work. He called me someone elseā€™s name and always gets us mixed up. I told him jokingly, ā€œit really breaks my heart when you get my name wrong.ā€ And he responded saying ā€œIā€™m so sorry, you know how it is being a pretty young thing.ā€ Something among those lines. It didnā€™t really bother me but my coworker was furious and told a bunch of other people there. I was pulled aside and asked if I wanted to file a complaint against him. While I thought the comment wasnā€™t in the best taste, I didnā€™t take it as him making a move on me or any further context.

  5. I was just starting out in the fitness industry and went to a job interview with the fitness manager at the time. If I counted correctly, he touched me a total of 8 times within half an hour. I almost didnā€™t take the job because of this.
    Thatā€™s not all though! As soon as I started working there I made it clear I wasnā€™t going to put up with excessive touching/handshakes and anything else and man did he not like that. Not to mention he had a wife and kid at home, Iā€™m a college age female and about 15 yrs younger than him.
    Anyhow, when I was working there it was his job to send leads my way so I could have clients and cover my rent ($350 at the gym weekly + home rent too) and bills. There were several times when he ā€˜accidentallyā€™ sent the same leads to the older trainers as well as me, so naturally they had the advantage over me as they were there for longer. He would not give me the same amount of help as the other male employees that started at the same time as me. There was several months where I was struggling to pay rent and eat. I lost about 8 kg and a lot of my muscle mass which contributed to me lack of client retention as well.

  6. A few weeks ago my boss threw the idea out there of me promoting me to a different department. I got the confirmation a few days ago. I excitedly accepted. However, there is a learning curve and I would obviously have to tell my supervisor of this, so my boss agreed to keep this move only between higher ups including my supervisor. Well idk how she found out because the next morning she called me out in front of my team with doors open so the whole office heard. That I was hiding it, now Iā€™m jeopardizing my team, throwing indirects of me being selfish and money hungry (yeah! Obviously, I donā€™t work for free) I told her it was inappropriate and no oneā€™s business, she said itā€™s everyoneā€™s business and it was rude of me to keep things in the dark. I didnā€™t even have the chance to tell her. Now Iā€™m getting the cold shoulder from my whole team except one co worker I can trust.

  7. During an interview for a law clerk (one that does not involve arguing), my interviewer asked me to pretend I was defending a client who was against womanā€™s rights.

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