If a man pays a woman’s bills. Does the man have the right to treat the woman any type of way and do whatever he wants?

  1. No he doesn’t, but in the end that woman picked said guy. Her judge of character was off, or she just ignored the signs. Either way the lady should be held accountable for selecting the guy.

    Is this guy treating you good? The phrase “any type of way” is vague. Also what do you mean by “do whatever he wants”?

  2. Never, why???

    Exception tho, If I’m going out with a girl and she doesn’t even bother to ask if I wanna split the bill even so I would never do that, yeah, red flag.

    My parent earns enough to pay for her shit, if I do have to pay something, whatever. It isn’t a big deal for me at least.

  3. It used to be that way, you could just club her and drag her back to the cave, but now there’s laws and rights for women.

  4. Really would need more context

    No, they do not the right to treat anyone anyway they want.

    Now, he may expect her to take care of the majority of the house work maybe?

    In what context are you asking?

  5. oh c’mon, of course not. nobody can own another person.

    and if someone is treating you this way, it’s very, very abusive and you really need to get help immediately. not kidding.

  6. Ummm… nobody has a right to treat anybody like shit. I thought we learned that in kindergarten

  7. Yes. If he pays any of her bills, even a bill as small as her bill from a penny shop, he essentially owns her. And by essentially I means she’s his literal property.

    No, it doesn’t mean anything. I will say that just as a man would expect something in return, a woman knowing a guy is only paying bills for such acts/ affection in return and still accepts them, well she’d be just as shitty

  8. I would never pay the bills of any human being but my family (only because they helped me financially).

  9. Absolutely the fuck not. It’s her body, a man in not guaranteed action just because he paid the phone bill. Respect women’s bodies, always.

  10. I’m sorry but this is a stupid question. No one has any right to treat a person a way contrary to their boundaries regardless of sex or gender.

  11. Within the confines of the law, that’s up to the woman. I mean, every day the woman stands there and continues to be treated any type of way she’s giving him that right. The relationship requires your consent to continue.

  12. No – you don’t even have that right with your own children. Who the hell thinks they have that over another adult?

    I made sure there’s water behind that tap, you better ____(insert ridiculous demand). GTFOOH

  13. Of course not, a relationship is a partnership but I do believe you have the right to expect certain things from her. For example, if I’m working long hours and paying for everything I would expect her to cook dinner, take care of the home, and run errands for me so that I can focus on bringing home money for us, she would manage the house and I would manage the finances.

  14. If a father buys his daughter ice cream, should he still be allowed to touch her if he’s a pedophile? Actually, don’t answer that. The OP itself is disturbing enough, I don’t think I want to know what you think about what I asked.

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