I am not asking what your body looks like, but rather how you feel in your own skin?

  1. I feel comfortable in some parts and uncomfortable and sad in others. I’m still trying to accept and love it all the same.

  2. It’s fine I guess, id like a few gigs of extra memory, stronger muscles, and more efficient internal organs that don’t decide to not work sometimes

  3. I’m still trying to accept my body. I have grown to accept parts that I love but I still struggle with insecurities. I’m very fortunate to have a partner that makes me feel secure but I still struggle from time to time. I’m working on it

  4. it’s definitely got its issues but most of the time i love it. i can see the beauty in my shape and appreciate the functionality of it all, and while there are some functioning flaws i would remove if i could, i don’t think i’d change anything about my appearance. i’ve really grown to love this bag of wet bones.

  5. My body carries my brain around and hasn’t tried to die too often lately. That’s good enough.

  6. I was a lot happier with it 3 kids and 10 years ago but I’m not concerned enough to do much about it. No major insecurities. If I could change one thing I would get a breast reduction though because damn

  7. Most of the time I feel neutral to good, however there are times I catch my reflection or want to dress up and I feel terrible about parts or the whole thing.

    Some days I look at a selfie or my mirror and think I am gorgeous or pretty or beautiful and other days I am a swamp hag

  8. Sometimes I feel good. I feel beautiful. Other times I feel fat, ugly, wide. I always think I need to lose a little weight then I’ll be happy. But then again when I was at my smallest I wasn’t happy either. I’m still learning how to love myself ❤️

  9. I feel pretty good. For the first time in my life I thought I looked sexy. But every now and then I do get insecure so I try to limit my time on social media. But in general I really like my body.

  10. It varies by the day. Overall I love it and feel very grateful that it’s mine, but I do occasionally get in those moods of feeling icky and contemplating stuff like breast augmentation.

  11. I’m ok with it, but not really happy with it at the moment. I want to lose fat and gain muscle so I’m currently trying to eat less and move more. I’ve always carried more weight on my lower body than I’d like even though I’m a healthy weight. I know the healthiest approach is to accept your body and caring about how it looks when I’m healthy is stupid but I can’t help it. I’m decided I don’t think I should settle for having lower standards for myself. I have been more fit in the past and I was really proud of how I looked and I want to get back to that.

  12. I feel just fine most of the time, but I’m little insecure because I put on a lot of weight in short period of time so I’m now a little overweight. Although it did go on all the right places, but I’m still not used to this. But I do my best to love my body.

  13. Not great. It functions well enough and I appreciate that but outwardly it’s frumpy and I feel the need to be pretty covered up most of the time. Trying to work on that.

  14. I’ve gained weight from being in a relatively healthy relationship. My self confidence has gone down so much from it. But as soon as I’m able to I’m gonna start going to a gym😁

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