What is the one thing about the modern day world that absolutely infuriates you?

  1. Need validation from society for each and everything you do . Also spending extravagant amount of money for superfluous things in life.

  2. Smart phones. Everywhere you look plp have their heads stuck in one
    And yes I write to you from one šŸ˜…

  3. Too much quantity but not enough quality…
    So many options but so few of them are good.
    So much activity but so little progress.
    So much need but so little fulfillment.
    So much noise but so little signal.
    “*We are drowning in information but starving for wisdom.*”

  4. Cost of oil goes up, so does the cost of fuel.
    Cost of oil goes down, Cost of fuel stays the same.

  5. The way people use words interchangeably despite being quite different by definition. Such as nationalist and patriot or socialist and communist. There are many people who would use these words as if they’re the same because their pseudo-definitions fit their argument.

  6. everyone records everything and i mean everything. even the adults are so obsessed with social media and likes.

  7. Everyone is an expert. No one listens. No one changes their minds. It only leads to increasingly polarised opinions and a bigger divide

  8. It is increasingly difficult to get facts without being given an opinionated slant on them.

  9. Honestly, social media. At one point I thought of Instagram as a digital scrapbook of sorts for memories. Now it seems like everyone just post ā€œthirst trapsā€ in order to increase their follower count. Like thatā€™s the goal now, to get followersā€¦

  10. Not enough love. Hate burns the world but I’m also guilty of it. I gotta get mine and you gotta get yours… Ruining our planet in our own search of gold šŸ’£

  11. Everyone wants to do what everyone does.
    Just because everyone does itā€¦ itā€™s so awful

  12. People are preferring to be/stay stupid than to learn. And that segment of the population is growing every year.

  13. People constantly go “just google it” like that’s a valid point or proof of what they’re saying is correct

    People claim to be “progressive” but most of the time it’s just an excuse to do what they want rather than a direction we should go. “Progressive” would be to make sure kids are learning how to problem solve, actively reducing waste and your carbon footprint, making informed voting decisions and encouraging others to do so, refusing to buy from companies that have practices you don’t agree with rather than complain about them to the internet (list can go on but I’m pretty sure there’s a character limit).

    Having grown up without any actual problems, people have begun to make believe and treat it as a real thing.

    Chinesium products have become so prevalent that people are just used to crap breaking down. It would be cheaper and better for our economy if we spent a little more to make a substantially better product on our home turf.

    Our health care can’t figure out what direction it wants to go so it constantly stays in the middle of the road, and rather than figuring out why the bill is so damn high everyone keeps focusing on finding a way to pay for it.

    People complain about the actions of those we elect into office, but then vote them back in because “voting for other side bad”. Example: We have blatant proof that congressmen are performing insider trading, going unpunished, yet even though people accept that these people are for some reason outside the law they *still* give them their position back. If you don’t like the way they behave then DON’T GIVE THEM BACK EXACTLY WHAT GIVES THEM THE ABILITY TO DO THIS!

    People complaining too damn much on the internet and not actually doing anything positive in the real world where it matters. Yes, I can see the irony of making a list on reddit with this line in it, but in my defense you did ask.

  14. How little menā€™s issues are respected on a societal level and on an individual level

  15. People automatically assuming the worst about others without even giving them the benefit of the doubt. There are people who will make huge assumptions about others based on a few words and will be absolutely certain that they are correct

  16. Entitlement. Everyone ā€œdeservesā€ something. So few people are willing to earn it. And donā€™t even get me started on expectations.

  17. Lack of ā€œcustomer service.ā€ Lack of concern that the customer *exists.*

  18. The apeshit crazy out of control cost of living. “nOboDY waNtS tO wORk aNYmOre” well have u tried raising wages dumbass

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