If I’m being 100% honest I only got in shape so I could get women.
That was the only motivation that I had and needed at that time.

  1. I like getting tattoos. But they attract attention to my body so the gym is where I go to avoid being self concious.

  2. My own health is the key factor.

    Also happen to have two children; a three and one year old. I need to be on my toes with both of them.

  3. I don’t have confidence in my looks so I thought I might as well be swole to make up for it.

  4. Not being fat. I was the fat kid and hate feeling self conscious. I’d rather feel like death than fat.

  5. Vanity and strength (and endurance from my running). The health benefits are great, but the big motivator is definitely vanity

  6. Same motivation as you, only it doesn’t end when you get a woman.. I keep in shape to keep her lmao.

  7. “A well-built physique is a status symbol. It reflects you worked hard for it, no money can buy it. You cannot inherit it. You cannot steal it. You cannot borrow it. You cannot hold on to it without constant work. It shows dedication. It shows discipline. It shows self-respect. It shows dignity. It shows patience, work ethic, passion.”

    That’s my motivation. You have to EARN IT because you WANT TO….not because you have too.

  8. Health, personal confidence, wanting to feel good about myself and in the clothes I’m wearing.

  9. For me it started as going to get in shape to get women too, but then I found out I really, really enjoy the feeling of having legitimate strength. These days, I don’t go to get in shape at all, I focus on strength.

    The day may come when I must stop bulking and start cutting… But it is not this day!

  10. I got dumped out of a serious relationship and replaced less than a month later. I’m pretty sure she cheated on me and left me for him. So hypothetically it’s just to get myself into badass shape to make her jealous, and I don’t care if that’s an unhealthy reason.

  11. I work out for myself: it helps me feel energetic and sexy, and I want to live a mind and healthy life.

  12. I just started bouldering because I thought it would be fun and then a year later I had lost 40 lbs and was going to the rock gym every day. Not sure there’s any motivation but the action itself. I think that’s how exercise has always been to me. When I was a swimmer, I swam cause I loved swimming, abs were just something that happened along the way. Biking was for the sake of biking, strong legs came along the way, now with climbing, I climb to climb and my back muscles are fucking jacked as a result.

  13. Nothing gets my dick harder than looking at the mirror butt-naked and seeing that I’m still an attractive man despite being an old man in my thirties.

    That’s the motivation, brah.

  14. My main reason for doing it is because my mental health starts to go down if I’m too sedentary, I need a good amount of physical activity to stay sane.

    But I also like the fact that it makes me more attractive and gets me more of that kind of attention.

  15. The whole “strong people are harder to kill” thing resonated pretty well with me after my dad’s best friend managed to squeeze out about 15 good years before finally succumbing to his cancer. Dude got to see his kids get married and have kids, enjoy his hobbies and stuff to the very end.

    Contrast that with those I’ve seen that wasn’t in shape and got a similar deal? They got at best half of that and they had a miserable time.

  16. I got uncomfortable in my own skin and couldn’t take it any more.

    I’m at a point where I love working out and enjoy it too much to give up.

    Now only if I could give up my daily caramel MFing lattes.

  17. To not be fat. Simple as that.

    I was an athlete, high school, college, then professionally.

    Got hurt, that was the end of that.

    For the first time in my life, I didn’t have to work out. Run, gym, calisthenics, etc. So, I didn’t.

    I played at 220-225. Within 18 months of being done, I had ballooned up to 321. I kept eating like I was burning a fuck ton of calories, but I wasn’t burning any of them.

    Got back to the gym. Started running, doing yoga again. Hated it. But, I also hated being chubby. Started eating right, and the weight melted off.

    Got down to 185. I hover between 185-195. I’m good with it.

  18. Guys like you are no different from the trophy wives. You pretend you are into fitness then 6 weeks after the relationship becomes hot and heavy you show your true colors or I should say fat lazy colors. I have girlfriends that pretend they don’t smoke or drink or they will dress provocative then when they catch the prey they return to being the annoying insect they always were.

    You ask Reddit how to stay motivated and then admit you only did it to get a woman. Stop exercising , just rent a dog and walk around the dog parks. Why exert more energy than needed you and her will both get what you both put out. Start on lies end on lies

  19. I also started for girls, but they don’t really care about it as much as you think they do (and I got a gf) so now I do it to look like anime characters.

  20. To be perfectly honest, low self-esteem issues.

    I’ve been working out for years as a way for me to feel better about myself. I’ve always been less than average in many areas of life and working out to look and feel better is one way that I can improve myself. And it works. I do look and feel much better.

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