I always stutter when I conversate with people that I don’t really know or I just fail to answer because the words don’t want to come out. I’m fine if I sing or rant but so I dunno what to do.

  1. My cusin had this issue, he started working with the letters or words he struggled with and talking faster. It helped him

  2. I stuttered for years. 1. Think about what you want to say before you try. 2. Say the Ruth. Lying makes me stutter. 3. Try thinking about speaking like singing. I never stuttered when I was singing. This just means be calm and know what you want to say. 4. Practice constanant sounds. P, T, B etc. The more I practiced the easier it got. 5. Let go of your fears and stress as much as possible. I didnt stutter once I learned to deal with stress. 6. If all else fails visit a speech therapist.
    Good luck

  3. I used to stutter a lot. Now I stutter little bit because I used these 2 techniques.

    You need to change your attitude when you talk to people. *I stutter so what?! you will listen to me or f off and not give a f about people reaction when people see you stutter. You can also talk slowly and elongating word that you stutter.*

    it is going to take time… don’t give up

  4. Step 1. Identify the problem
    Step 2. Make the choice to fix the problem
    Step 3. Do research and seek professional advice
    Step 4. See it through to the end.
    Congratulations you’re half way there!!! Stuttering is a well understood problem and while I’m not familiar with them, there are a number of proven therapies and programs to correct it. Have a look at “The King’s Speech” if you haven’t watched that before for some inspiration. That was 80 years ago. Treatment has come a long way since then. If you’re young and in the developed world, treatment should be available through a school program (yes even in the US). talk to your parents and school councilor for help. If you’re older in life and just becoming aware of the problem now you’ll have to do a bit more leg work yourself.

  5. I find taking an extra second to “buffer” your thoughts help a lot. People feel soooo inclined to respond instantly, and because of this, we don’t always formulate the full sentence. Some people just evaluate at run time.

    I really like to use physical gestures to indicate thought. It buys you an extra few seconds and usually that is enough to allow for a full formed sentence.

    Unless you have a speech impediment, having a few extra seconds allows you to compose yourself and respond without filler words like “ummmm” or stuttering.

    For advanced tips, you can even use this time to shorten your response. If it is a complex response, tossing out a “lemme think about it form a moment” usually allows for more processing time.

    Stuttering in my experience is usually caused by delayed sentence formulation and relative confidence in the statement(unless a speaking disability is involved).

  6. 6x a day walk up to a stranger and say hi my name is…. Im trying to learn to stop stuttering when I talk with new people please ask me any question so I can attempt to give a clear answer…… Do that till enough people say u don’t stutter at all so far until u actually believe n know u have tot ur self to speak to strangers correct…..

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