Nice lady who cut my hair at the weekend said I had lovely hair and a nice shirt – This was before the cut!

Bloke serving me at Aldi today said I looked happy and smiley, I then told him it was because I remembered he had once loaned me a quid for a trolley.

What have you had?

  1. “I really like your glasses!” Though this was a LUSH employeee so take that however you want 🤷‍♂️

  2. I had someone guess I was 7 years younger than I am and be shocked I was my age (I’m late 30s). I’d like to thank my skincare regime but I don’t have one.

  3. I was told yesterday that I’m talented (at photography) I’m 41 next week and have never been told I’m talented at anything before which is fair enough because I’ve never worked hard enough at anything to be considered talented but I have worked hard at learning photography over the last six months so it meant a lot to be told that.

  4. Head of Dept. at my new job said thank you and said I was making great progress for the company.

    The girls at reception said I looked very “clean”.

  5. My 3 year old niece said she wanted to sit next to me. (She is shy and this it was the first time she’d said it). It melted my heart

  6. I showed someone my recent first tattoo and got a ‘well done’ as part of my response to it

  7. I got id for buying a bottle of wine by a young man. Definitely needed after been up all night with my son.

  8. I am currently going through a breakup due to my drug addiction being out of control. I text her mum to apologise for the hurt I’d caused and she replied “there is only one of you and you are great” and I’ve never been more motivated to change. She didn’t need to be nice to me but she chose to.

  9. I got called young man the other day at work by a forklift driver.. not been called that in years. Though he may have been being sarcastic

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