How is your current relationship with your friends from high school after high school?

  1. I have some vague memories of highschool but no friends remaining from that period.

  2. I’m married to one of them but I have no relationship with any of the others and I’m pretty certain I’m better off that way.

  3. Most of them we just drifted apart.

    A few I keep in touch with but see very infrequently.

  4. Non existent. In retrospect it was non existent in High school. No one hung out with me outside of school. I wanted to but guess I wasn’t cool enough. Just people that I knew because we attended the same school. Didn’t make us friends tho. So I’m cordial when I see people. But I don’t carry the delusion that we were ever friends anymore

  5. My best friend from high school is, now 20 years later, my closest confidante, aside from my wife. We talk daily, randomly, about everything. His wife and I are very close, too, and often him, his wife, and me and my wife spend time together. There was a period of about ten years where we had zero contact at all, but we ran into each other by complete random chance one time after that, and instantly rekindled our friendship.

    The best man at my wedding was my sisters best friend in high school, and by extension he was a close family friend, and we were like brothers. We are not as close now, but we keep in contact, and we visit once a month or so. We have a lot in common, and I trust him implicitly. Again, there was a long span where we had little or no contact, but after reconnecting as adults, our friendship has been solid.

  6. We’re all in our late 30s today.

    I drift apart from most throughout college, as we lost the primary common interest we shared once we were no longer going to school together, but managed to stay extremely close with about a half dozen of my friends.

  7. Of my five best friends:

    One moved to Hollywood and became an editor. I see him about every other year. It’s great when it happens.

    One moved to Texas and got two PhDs and then became a stay at home dad with a mountain of student debt. I haven’t seen him in years. Kids keep you busy.

    One married the most heinous, horrible bitch I’ve ever met. We had a fight about it. We don’t talk anymore. Seriously, fuck Kathy.

    One became a fighter pilot and died last year, thanks to some really exceptional French engineering.

    One became an alcoholic and also died last year. Cirrhosis at 43. I think the pandemic was the turning point in his addiction.

  8. I have 5 friends from high school that I still talk to consistently.

    We don’t hang out as much now that they all have families, but we do our best.

  9. I keep in contact with a few, haven’t seen them in 7 years but we talk online. Most of them I don’t wanna have anything to do with though.

  10. 5 years out of it now and I’m not in contact with a single person from my hometown outside of my parents and no desire to ever go back.

  11. nonexistent. but i have friends now that i went to HS with who i wasn’t friends with then

  12. Friends in hs are not friends. You find that out very quickly. There might be 1 or two good ones, but the groups are not there.

  13. Keep in touch via Facebook and occasionally over holidays. I live far away so no chances to see anyone otherwise. Many of my friends who still live in my hometown are still close though

  14. I’m married to one of them and still friends with another. The rest I occasionally interact with on Facebook and that’s it.

  15. I have three great friends I’ve known since our youngest days. We were called the four horsemen, and destined to be friends until the end of time.

    Friend #1 stayed in our hometown, and we talk all the time. Phone call once a week, text frequently, in person about once a month.

    Friend #2 moved to the big city, and our talks happen once a month give or take. He’s very busy so we don’t talk as much as I’d like. Last saw him in 2019, as once the pandemic hit, his wife locked him down pretty hard.

    Friend #3 gets to travel the land for work so I rarely see him. We talk about once every 2-3 months just to make sure all is well. Last time I saw him in person was when he was able to make it for a wedding in our hometown in 2016.

    My twenty year high school reunion is this year in July, and I’m hoping we can all get together.

    I did have a few other friends, and out of that group, I only see one of them now. The others are out doing there own thing.

  16. We’re all connected via social media, but rarely ever see each other. A few years back we had a mini-reunion that brought a group of us together after almost 30 years. Some of them surprised me how much they changed – some for the better, one or two for the worse and some that didn’t change at all. It was also surprising to feel myself falling into the same pattern of persona I had back them.

  17. It’s been over a dozen years. I met them a few times, but do not keep in touch with most except a handful. I don’t miss them either. Whenever we see each other, most want to pretend everything stayed the same when it didn’t. The cool guys got lame, the hot chicks got fat and pregnant or developed addiction issues, and some of the weird guys got PhDs or lead entire engineering departments.

  18. I stopped talking to all of them roughly one year after high school. Time and distance will drift anyone apart. That’s just life

  19. The only person I’m still in semi-regular contact with from high school is a guy I had literally one class with. And we weren’t friends. We’ve surprisingly become much closer in adulthood.

    All of my high school friends are doing their own thing. We’re generally aware of each other. But that’s about it.

  20. I had 3 best friends in high school. I lost touch with one but I speak to the other two weekly and they are still my best friends. We live hundreds of miles apart but the connection remains strong 27 years later.

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