So me (F 18) and my bf (M 20) have been together for almost 3 years, I love him more than life but recently I’ve been constantly upset over how he’s treated me, a example because it’s what we just now argued over is flowers we’ve been together for 3 years and I have not gotten them once no matter the many countless times of asking because he would “feel cringy” while getting them and told me that they were a waste because they’d only make me happy for a few days and that the effort of getting them wouldn’t be worth it because “cringe” (mind you he got his ex of 1 month before us flowers) but told me if I went with him to get them it’d be fine and then said it was stupid when I said it wasn’t the same. Another thing is he plays video games all day while I sit there and yes I will get upset after 5+ hours after he promised he’d play for 2 (this is not his daily amount he does take breaks sometimes then will go back to playing after spending max 1-3 hours with me) he doesn’t work and I don’t go to school so it’s not that much time in my opinion he tells me I can just tell him to get off but he’s always on with buddies and I feel bad and even when I do he says after the next game and will play 10 more, I ask him to fix me things (mainly ramen because it’s the only thing I eat really) and he will sometimes but I will hear endless amounts of frustrated breaths and the occasional “go get it your goddamn self” any time I talk about how he makes me feel he talks about why it’s justified in his head even knowing it makes me upset. a big thing for me is gift giving because that’s the only ways I was shown love as a kid and I don’t mean big gifts even small things, like he gets a red bull every time he goes to the gas station but has never brought me anything home, for my 18th birthday (which was really special bc I lived in a abusive household and was able to leave ) I got nothing I asked a couple days before for atleast a card or a note…nothing, he said he couldn’t find paper which is a damn lie because the day I asked him I put a notebook on his table but he “didn’t see it “ idk what to do or if I’m being over dramatic I’m just tired atp and truly don’t know what to to do bc no matter how many times I communicate it he says he’ll change and never does, he used to not be like this…help 🙁

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