Favourite Australian food?

  1. To be blunt, the only Australian foods that I know of are Bundaberg Ginger Beer, Violet Crumble, and Tim Tams, and spreads like Vegemite. In terms of Australian cuisine I know nothing about it.

  2. Sausage rolls, meat pies, and pasties are all amazing, we really need them.

    I also had some really good fish (in general and fish and chips). I don’t know why, but it seems to be something that they just do better, even compared to the coastal US cities I’ve lived in.

  3. A seasoning, not a food,I suppose:

    I’ve been turned on to chicken salt. That needs to make its way stateside

  4. The only time I’ve ever had (or seen?) Australian food that I didn’t make myself was in a “Milk Bar” in Rhode Island. It was vegetable curry savory pie and was pretty good. Tim Tams are delicious and you can get them at some supermarkets.

    But my real favorite is Pavlova (sorry NZ….but may it comfort you to know that if the question had been “Favourite NZ food” I would have also answered Pavlova!)

    I have only ever made it myself but if those recipes were true to form it is in my top 3 favorite desserts. I’ve turned the whole family on to it as well and make it for holidays. 10/10.

  5. Fosters Oil Can /s

    Love how us Americans think Outback steakhouse is the epitome of Australian food.

  6. I don’t know what Australian cuisine is.

    The dad on Bluey was making something that looked like pancakes, and my wife rolled her eyes at me and said they were called “pikelets” and not “pie clits”.

  7. The only Australian food I’ve had were Vegemite (awful, horrible stuff) and Tim Tams (those are obviously delicious).

  8. there was a trend of australian restaurants in california about 10 years ago, it seemed that meat pies formed the backbone of their menu, other than that americans have little exposure to australian cuisine beyond select consumer products

  9. We don’t really have Australian restaurants. The only “Australian” restaurant I’ve been to is Outback and that is definitely not authentic.

  10. I guess I have to say Vegemite because it’s the only Australian food I could possibly identify. That being said, I would rather eat wombat ass than Vegemite.

  11. I’m not sure I’ve ever had Australian food beyond Vegemite and a couple of imported sodas. I vaguely remember trying kangaroo once but it didn’t make much impression.

  12. Not a proper dish, but Tim Tams for sure. Whenever I have visited Australia, I made sure to buy a pack or two before leaving. Thankfully, I have also come across them in the US a few times.

  13. The only Australian food I’ve had is Tim Tams. They’re very good, so I have no objection to calling them my favorite Australian food.

    But I bet that if I actually visited, I’d find fresh Australian foods that put those cookies to shame.

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