I’m currently on active pursuing space whereby I feel I’m ready for a romantic relationship. The problem I’m having is that whenever I pursue a woman for such they tend to be receptive of my advances. Even as far as going to dates together and enjoying touch with wach other.

But when I try to declare my feelings at the peak of such interactions.I get hit by surprise from the women expressing that they were only seeing me as just another friend.

You also need to understand that its seen as creepy/desperate in my generation(Gen Z) to verbalise one’s feelings in the first weeks of getting to know each other. Hence I chose to send non verbal signs of Interest.

How do I navigate such a social dilemma?

  1. Who cares what the generation says, state your interest and intentions before that first date. Of course ladies can change their mind – but you should be as honest as possible from the beginning to avoid wasting time. State that you are interested in a romantic relationship and that you are not looking to be friends with people you go on dates with. If they don’t want to date, thank them for their time and try dating someone else.

  2. I’ve had this happen as well occasionally and have no idea about it. You would think talking or facetiming for more than an hour and telling someone they’re beautiful or holding hands will convey that you want to be more than friends but maybe you cant be sure.. maybe i missed some secret memo

  3. “pursuing space”???????


    Honestly, and lets be real man no bs, dont you hear yourself talk? The words you choose very much reflecte your inner being

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