So me a (F 21) have never had sex, have only kissed before but never seen/touched a penis.

Been sexting with this one man for almost 3 months. He is a bit older and in a different place in life and so we can only be fwb nothing more. (Plus we live 2h apart) Anyways we really like each other (sexually) and our energies match when we text.

Two weeks ago we met in person for the first time, i liked his appearance irl, he looked better than the pic. During the meeting he made it clear that he is super horny and kept asking if he can touch me. Im comfortable with him so i said he could even though i wasn’t feeling stuff.
I thought maybe i will become horny if he touches me, but i actually didnt! And i repeatedly told him “im not horny”. He said it was okay and that we could try again next time.

👉🏻 What would you be thinking if you was the male in this situation?

👉🏻 Would you consider the fact that this is all new to me?

👉🏻 Do you think it is a turn off when your partner needs extra time to get there?

  1. I’d be thinking, of course you’re nervous. I’d want to wait for you to relax enough to actively want more explicit contact. Personally, I adore long makeout sessions. Foreplay is the bee’s knees.

  2. Few thoughts:

    1. Depending on how you arranged this meeting and what led up to it. Is more emphasis placed on the F or B in FWB through text. Clear communication is the most important piece. If I was under the impression that physical contact was going to happen, and just drove 2 hours, I may be eager too.

    2. A good guy would consider inexperience.

    3. It’s not a turn off. Like another commenter said, foreplay is the bee’s knees. Making out is great!

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