I’m a bit rusty when it comes to doing nice things for myself. All I can think of is getting some new boxers and socks that don’t have holes in.

  1. i bought myself one of those sweet electric bikes, and each winter i spend a month in costa rica or hawaii, shitty chicago winters will wreck ya man -_-

  2. I was really out of shape so I hired a personal trainer. i’ve still got a long wait to go but i’ve lost over 60 lbs and in a much better place physically and mentally

  3. I treat myself to something in the $50-100 range that I think is fundamentally overpriced but that I’ve wanted anyway for some time.

  4. I’m only 17, but for my first spending, I’d follow the ‘whatever keeps you off the ground’ rule aka comfort. Bed sheets, pillows, socks, shoes..

  5. I don’t go often, but whenever I go out to eat I buy whatever drinks and food I want whether it’s a beer and a $10 burger or 21yr scotch and wagyu. I also have very little restriction when buying video games. Game systems, PC, games, VR, whatever. If it brings me joy I keep it, if not I sell it. I also try to take a ski trip to the Rockies or Canada for a few days.

  6. – New shoes, boxers and socks

    – Concert tickets

    – Band merch

    – Road trips if the concert is far

    – Festivals at summer

    – Tattoo

    – Eating out

    – Video games

    But everything with boundaries and I invest every month. Always plan for the future.

  7. If you literally have had no luxuries in life up until now, I’d think about spending on a reliable vehicle, more air conditioning and/or heat (like you’re not waking up in a freezing house and THEN turning the heat on, just keep it comfy all night), a better cell phone plan with unlimited data or faster data or whatever, a nice mattress (makes a difference 100%), and nice sheets (similarly, huge difference).

    I don’t know how much money you’re talking about, but when I first started making a lot of extra money I got a motorcycle license and a motorcycle.

    I’ve been riding (safely) for 13 years now and it’s like a religious experience. If I had a few hundred dollars a month extra after everything I mentioned in the first paragraph, I’d get a motorcycle and some gear.

  8. When I got my first “big boy job”, I made a habit of treating myself to a hot towel shave at the barbershop once a month. I did that for about a year, and it was nice.

  9. I’m an artist so lately, I’ve been buying myself some good quality art supplies instead of cheap knock-offs from Amazon. It’s made a big difference and I’m much more motivated to work on new projects when the supplies I have to work with don’t suck so much.

  10. Sometimes I go and grab a new hobby supply or tool that I’ve been wanting, like a leather scrap edge beveller, a new woodburner tip set, a dremel bit set, or in the most recent case, a microplush football team logo blanket.

  11. Hmm. Invest it in something with dividends. Then you can start treating yourself more eventually. 🙂

  12. Itt: Redditors talk about useless things they buy as soon as they get a bit of extra pocket money

    Tomorrow: they discuss how the economy is fucked and it’s none of their faults they’re broke

  13. Ask yourself this question. a rich woman is taking you on a date and asks what do you want to do? For me I choose an expensive steak place and get a huge fat steak with mashed potatoes. Then go home, find a movie thats new and watch it while drinking chocolate milk or apple cider. That or a good massage with hot stones.

  14. First things first, you said you wanted to buy new boxers and socks cuz yours have holes in them. DO IT.

    Like you said, “treat yourself” to what you want to do first.

    You want to patch things up around your house to make you feel better then do it. You wanna work on yourself, figure out what you want, maybe a new haircut from a salon, hair oil, moisturizer, exercise equipment or a gym pass, whatever you think makes sense to you and makes you happy.

    Do some self care things like getting a massage, or mani-pedi etc.

    Does buying stuff for people around you make sense then do it.

    Wish I had a good closing line….. Let’s just pretend that I’ve written something good here.

    Happy for you that you’re doing good man, congrats, good luck and I hope it gets even better for you in the future. 👍

  15. i didnt, I just invested to make more money. I rather grind and invest while im young. So i can be like my step dad and have the sickest life later.

  16. Going out to eat at a nice restaurant once a week, we can order things we could on spluge on every once in a while 10 years ago.

  17. Subtle upgrades, if you used to buy jeans at Old Navy, shop at Nordstrom. If your haircut costs $17, see about a $30 style.

  18. DO NOT underrate how awesome new boxers and socks are. I replace my socks every single year and my feet are in pure bliss for the first month. Other things to get, whatever head pillow feels perfect, new bed sheets, some in-app purchase for a game, a massage, manicure/pedicure (it’s not weird, and they will treat you like a king cause men are rare and low maintenance), new gym clothes/equipment, an hour with a stripper, go to the gun range, take a class, or go to a costco and just buy shit you didn’t know you needed.

  19. A couple years ago, I started to work from home, so no more expensive commutes, and last year, I managed to get a load of easy overtime in. This meant more disposable income than I have ever had in my life.

    So, I made sure my flat was kitted out with actually decent furniture that wasn’t old and falling apart; I got some storage, so I actually had places to put stuff because my flat is so tiny, most of it was on my bedroom floor.

    I also began getting some decent clothes and shoes that wouldn’t fall apart within six months, and would be much better value for money, but something that I’ve never been able to afford the upfront cost for.

    As a nice addition, I purchased a decent sound system.

    I’m now living in a tiny flat that actually feels like a home rather than somewhere I live. Such an improvement in my quality of life.

  20. Get yourself some fresh outfits but otherwise don’t change your standard of living too much. Start throwing most of that extra money into an investment fund with the goal of saving up to buy a house.

  21. Take up a new hobby and spend the money gearing up for it. It will pay dividends if it is something you enjoy or want to get back into.

    Plus you will enjoy the time you spend doing that hobby or activity.

  22. New mattress and pillows. You have no idea how amazing a good night’s sleep can feel.

    New boots. Your feet will thank you.

    Take some unpaid time off and go rest. Don’t stress. Just rest.

    Trip to the mountains.

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