I’ve been dating this woman for 2 years and it’s been great. We’re talking about buying a house together and eventually starting a family together. The problem is her mom is Chinese and doesn’t like white people, she also doesn’t like that i have 2 kids of my own from a previous marriage. Every chance she gets, she tries setting up my girlfriend with other guys. When i talk to my girlfriend about it, she says I’m being crazy. She never goes out with them but it bothers me that her mom won’t accept me at all. I don’t want her family to be unhappy with her choice and I’m not sure how to approach it.

  1. > When i talk to my girlfriend about it, she says I’m being crazy.

    Telling you not to worry about it because she won’t indulge her mom is one thing. But to turn it around on you and calling you crazy when it is clear as day having a cherished family member hate your relationship to the extent of attempting to kill it is something dead serious is very shady.

    Is your gf actually serious about you? Or is she only using you as a placeholder till she finds the right guy, who’s also compatible with her family, to come along?

  2. There’s really nothing to do but continue showing her you’re a good person and getting to know her better. You could talk to your gf and ask her to defend you more

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