Its been 3 months since my ex (24f) and I (26m) broke up.

We maintained contact for the first few months but realized it was hurting us both a lot and it didnt feel like we truly broke up. We havent spoken for 3 weeks now.

She recently reached out to my best friends girlfriend asking if I am seeing anyone.

She mentioned to her that she isnt ready to start bringing people home and is just going out with her friends to distract herself.

Why would she be doing this? We broke up because she needed time to figure herself out and what she wants. She said we needed time and space apart to process what happened in our relationship… we both had communication issues and didnt always express how we felt properly.

TLDR: Why is my ex reaching out to my best friends gf to ask if I am seeing anyone?

  1. Some people stay curious. They want to know how quickly you move on for whatever reason. I would gently ask your friends to not give him any information and advise if he wants to know something about you then he needs to ask you.

  2. The first and easy answer is “doesn’t matter, she’s an ex right now”

    The more complicated answer is she’s still not sure if she wants to get back together but wants to know if it might still be an option. Or, she’s feeling ready to move on and wants to know if you’ve already done so. Or, she found someone but still cares what you might think and doesn’t want to hurt you too much by moving on. Or she’s just nosy.

    Could be any number of reasons so I think your best bet is to stick with my first answer and ignore it. If she reaches out to you directly, then you can talk to her about it. Otherwise, none of us are mind readers so it’s best to just leave it alone.

  3. Don’t think about it. Go your own path/way. If you start thinking about that staff then you will lost your self in vortex of thoughts. You only loose time and energy. Not worth.

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