When was a time you felt a lack of passion and romance in a relationship and how did this go for you?

  1. College

    Dated a guy I thought was my soulmate, loved him sooo much but he was a shitty boyfriend, would pass on sex for video games, forget date nights and leave me waiting for him places, would rage at video games and punch keyboards and throw controllers

    When he left our anniversary date early because he wanted to go home and play League of Legends I left him the next day

    Looked him up on Facebook and he’s a total NEET who has done NOTHING with his life and gained 9000 pounds, so I guess I dodged a bullet

    I poured so much fucking love into him and he gave back so little, I was so angry and heartbroken at the same time.

  2. 23 years old
    It took me 3 years to break it off. It sucked I wasted 3 years being with someone who I didn’t love anymore but I didn’t wanna break his heart, second reason was I didn’t wanna disappoint my family and his family but finally at 26 years old I was tired of crying to myself every night and being depressed so I did it. It sucked im much happier now but I feel so lonely after a year and miss him kinda

  3. In my last relationship. My ex was an avoidant attachment style and selfish in bed. I broke up with him (despite him being ~perfect on paper~) and it was the best thing I ever did for my life. 🙂

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