I’ve never seen this before and suddenly it’s everywhere, neither do my fellow Fins ever (seemingly) randomly clap their hands when talking. It seems to have some meaning but it’s very unclear what that is cause it happens in so often and in different ways in different topics. It’s like a slow singular clap mid talking, sometimes repeated slowly, if that makes sense? Lol this sounds so weird when verbalised but maybe someone gets what I mean

Do people also do this when they just talk in their regular, non-online life?

  1. It’s a ghetto thing that somehow became a white girl who’s agitated thing. It’s an attempt by the speaker to emphasize their point.

  2. Yeah, teachers sometimes did this for emphasis when I was in school, and now people have figured out a way to do this online.

  3. Its stems from african american culture used as emphasis, they clap mid sentence irl and then it jumped into text. White people do it now to but as far as I know it started with black people.

  4. I think it’s people looking for attention. As if being really loud wasn’t getting them enough attention so they are also going to make annoying sounds.

  5. It means they are crazy usually. If they lean in, get bug-eyed and clap/gesture wildly, they crazy

  6. Like everyone else said, it’s for emphasis. In some contexts, it can be to add a little humorous sarcasm. I wouldn’t say it’s rude, but it’s very informal. You wouldn’t do this in a business environment or with someone that you aren’t on friendly terms with. If you do it when you’re talking to a stranger, it might seem like you’re picking a fight. People definitely do it in real life too, but context matters.

  7. It’s used to emphasize the sentence. Meant to be attention-grabbing and annoying. I just think it’s stupid.

  8. It’s something gen z-ers do who spend too much time on Tik Tok. If you do that in real life you’d be socially ostracized.

  9. If someone did that to me in a real-life conversation, I think I might hit them. I definitely wouldn’t listen to anything they had to say or talk to them ever again.

    They are not only doing it for emphasis, but they are also calling you a child who needs to have things pointed out to you.

  10. Imagine them also pausing between each word while speaking, as if there were exclamation points. It’s used to be incredibly invasive. It’s a way of saying “IM NOT ALLOWING YOU THE OPTION OF TUNING ME OUT! IM INVADING ALL OF YOUR SENSES! YOU! CANNOT! IGNORE! ME!”

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