I (26) feel awful for saying this, but I’m starting to find my gf (30), been going out for almost 4 years a bit boring. All she seems to want to do is watch tele every night, and if we go out its normally for one drink before she starts complaining and saying she just wants to go home.

I think I’m starting to get to a bit of a crossroads, and because I didn’t party or socialise enough when I was younger I always feel like I’m playing catchup while she isn’t. She keeps saying she wants to exercise more but never actually takes any steps to start doing so, won’t join me at thrle gym/playing sports. As a result I’m starting to find myself a bit less attracted to her and like I’m beginning to waste my time a little.

We still get on so well and she’s been amazing to me, but I’m starting to question things and attitudes and don’t know the best way to approach all of this.

Tl:dr, becoming bored. Miss the spark we had and can’t seem to encourage her to exercise

  1. “because I didn’t party or socialise enough when I was younger I always feel like I’m playing catchup while she isn’t”

    So she partied and then settled down at 26 with a 22 year old?

    Lets be honest here, you just seem to have lost interest in her as a person, you don’t need a justification for it.

    When you’re 22 it’s all fine and dandy, but when you’re girlfriends 30 you have some serious decisions to make.

  2. Basically what the other comment said. Maybe also ask yourself what are points that make it worth staying in the relationship and which points make you want to leave. Then make your decision based off if the positive or negative side is overshadowed by the other side. She is 30, she probably wants to settle soon. If you want to try yourself out more, she might not be the partner for that.

  3. You’re incompatible, just cut her loose and find another girl who shares your energy!

  4. Stop wasting her time. Break her heart so she can find someone who is excited in her very presence. Hope the same to you.

  5. OP: how often every week are you intimate with her or is that no longer happening?

  6. This isn’t an age thing, it’s a personality thing. 30yo is wayyyy too young to do the work/TV/sleep cycle. It’s normal to occasionally get into a rut, however. Try turning off the TV, scheduling dates, etc. if she’s resistant then start going out by yourself.

  7. She just isn’t the one for you. Find someone who makes you excited and who is excited every time you see each other.

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