Today my oldest sister asked me to help her getting sand bags on her truck along with my other sister and her husband. I tell her I just woke up but I’ll be there. I arrive there in 30 minutes and the oldest one tells me “we’ve been waiting” but I just ignore it. Then tells everyone “look he’s wearing his expensive shoes” and I ask her “do you want me to go?” as I climb in the truck to get the sang bags and place them correctly. The other sisters, didn’t even say hi when I arrived, says “you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to”. So then I just left. Idk what I did was wrong but I’m so tired of taking this disrespect. They do help me a lot financially when I’m trouble so I feel like I owe it to them but my mental health is more important because I’ve been diagnosed with depression before and finally making a recovery but they don’t really understand any of that. I wanted to know if I did the right thing or if there’s a way I could’ve made the situation better. I feel like I was trying to help and they made it toxic as soon as I got there.

  1. Honestly I feel like this is the best you could do. You teach people how to treat you by what you tolerate and this was a case of reinforcing you won’t tolerate them giving you shit as soon as you show up to help.

  2. If you’re accepting financial help you’re kind of stuck accepting their insults/attitude.

    However you should respond to it with attitude of your own. A big smile: “I’m here to help! I was hoping everyone would be in a better mood!”

    Them: “You don’t have to be here if you don’t want to.”

    You (Big smile): “There’s no place I’d rather be! Never fear, Sandbag Man is here!”

    Responding to insults with good cheer and humor is always a better bet than sulking or reacting in kind.

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