He always tries to encourage me to take my shirt off but i never get the courage to do it. none of my past bf’s saw my boobs either, im extremely insecure about them,
it’s not the size (32b) it’s my nipples. puffy nipples. cute when they are hard but when they are soft they get kinda puffy, it’s just humiliating. i want him to be satisfied and i want to finally learn to love myself but it’s hard because i feel i have ugly boobs. he’s seen my boobs for quick seconds when my nipples were hard and i feel like he’s expecting my nipples to look like that all the time when in reality they are rarely ever hard, only when i’m cold. i’m scared he will be shocked or disgusted when he sees them in their “true” state…

edit: thank you all for your responses, i will show him, not today but whenever i’m ready (probably within the next week ill do it), i’ve been struggling with this insecurity for years, self love is harder then it looks! but i made this post kinda as a coin flip on what to do, so thank you!

  1. He will be happy if you let him, but that decision is entirely yours. Screw what the internet people tell you, just be you.

  2. >i’m scared he will be shocked when he sees them in their true state…

    Shocked in a good way. Trust me, he’ll love them.

  3. Yeah, he is going to love them regardless of hardness. It’s of course your body and your feelings about your body can be understandable. But I do think if you let him see or even play with them, it could be a huge confidence booster. But only do it when YOU are ready!

  4. If you’re serious with each other you should do it. I’m sure he will love them. The partners I’ve been with have had different types, one of my favorites, she had very small boobs and puffy nipples, kind of like you described yours, she was self conscious about them as well, I don’t know what it was but I loved them.

  5. I feel ya. I dont like my boobs either and i always regret showing them off. Not because guys say anything about them really but because its my own insecurities. Im sure if he truly likes you he wont see the “flaws” you see.

  6. Haha,I struggle with this with my girl,but seriously, he’s with you for you entirely, let him see.

  7. He likes your bewbs. Turn off the MP3 player in your head and listen to the man who:

    A) Loves you
    B) Gets a boner looking at your titties

    What God gave you is great. Go enjoy life.

  8. Frame it this way: Do you really want to be with someone where there’s a chance they might not like you and discredit you as a person because of how your boobs look? Pretty ridiculous, right? So either he’ll like them and y’all will be happy, or he won’t, and you get to move on to better prospects.

  9. I hadn’t ever liked or looked at puffy nipples before I met my gf. When i first saw her boobs I was surprised but after 3 sec of taking it all in; they are my favorite. Don’t worry bout’ it

  10. I was insecure about my boobs and my nipples but for a different reason. I have cone shaped boobs and very pointy nipples so without a bra under a shirt they look like traffic cones lol.

    But now I embrace it because my partner loves my boobs. He always asks to see them or tries to push my shirt up so that he can squeeze, fondle, and suck on them. Most men are just happy to see boobs.

  11. I have ugly boobs. Small with huge areolas. Doesnt stop me from going topless. Love your boobs girl! Free the nip. Men don’t care.

  12. I’m not a man, rather im a bi/pan woman. I love puffy nipples.

    You should do what you’re comfortable with, but I’m sure that he’ll like them.
    Loving yourself sounds like an easy concept but can be hard in practice. It can be harder if your body, especially intimate areas, don’t look the same way art/porn says theyre “supposed” to look. I used to be insecure about the darkness or shape of my labia, but I’m much more confident now.

  13. I promise you he will love them. But please only do this when you yourself are comfortable with it and want to do it, not because he is urging you to.

  14. “Oh yeah the sex was great but i hated her nipples it ruined everything”


    Don’t worry, he won’t disliked them.

  15. I also was really insecure about showing my bf my boobs because of my nipples mainly, but he loves them and never said something about the nipples. You’re bf will also love you’re boobs and most people don’t care about puffy nipples.

  16. “it’s hard knowing i have objectively ugly boobs.”

    Excuse me? First of all there’s nothing “objective” about beauty, it’s completely subjective and truly in the eyes of the beholder. But it seems you’ve talked yourself into believing that a normal, natural, feminine and inherently beautiful part of yourself is not just ugly, but will be ugly to absolutely anyone who sees them, including someone who loves you and already presumably has sex with you.

    I hope I’ve pointed out how silly this is. You must be comparing yourself to something, some other “standard”, such as porn (of course). Please, just stop. Don’t compare yourself to anything. You are you, you are beautiful, your bf will love your boobs, and you’re denying both him and yourself of pleasure by keeping them covered. He’s encouraging you to take your shirt off because he wants to see them, he wants the opportunity to love every bit of you. Let him help you love yourself.

  17. Boobies are boobies. Boobies make the world go round and everyone LOVES boobies. Boobies make everything better.

  18. A little off topic but I’m curious about the logistics of your boyfriends never having seen your boobs? Do you have sex with your shirt on? Are you stopping them from taking your shirt off before doing the deed? Do you never shower together or get changed in front of them?
    Aside from that, I’m sure confiding in your partner about your insecurities is a good place to start, and if you see any future with this person, yes, you should absolutely show him your boobs.

  19. There’s a whole subreddit designated to puffy nipples, I believe that he will like them if not there’s a ton of people who would!

  20. I understand your insecurity. I’ve gained and lost 120lbs between 5 years so my body has a lot of excess skin. My breast have shrunk from D to A,the cup size I was before I gained the weight. The result is my boobs not only sag, they’re wrinkled. I’ve had a tough time with accepting the way my body looks naked but I recently had sex with a guy who literally worshiped my body. He was so psyched to be with me that I lost the shame I felt and I felt sexy. I was able to perceive myself from his perspective. Porn has royally fucked us up but if reddit comment sections have taught me anything it’s that most of the time men are just happy to be there. The breasts we see in porn are usually unnaturally firm. They all have a certain uniform look to them but what I realised while this lovely gentleman was sucking my nipples was that the sensation of physical intimacy is what makes it good,not the aesthetics of it. Instead of focusing on looking good I focused on making him feel as good as he was making me feel. I was finally able to get outside my own head.

    Self acceptance is liberating, this is who I am,this is what my body looks like and if you’re down with it we can make each other come,if not I understand that it is not a reflection of my worth but rather your preference. I can’t centre my sexuality around the fear that I may be rejected because my body doesn’t exist to pleasure others, it is mine to share or withhold as I please. I can’t allow someone’s experience of me define me. I’ve been denying myself pleasure or vulnerability because of a fear of rejection so I rejected myself before anyone else got the chance to. I was projecting my own insecurity onto men thinking that they would see me as I saw myself thus not even giving anyone a chance to get close enough to hurt me. I reduced myself to being a form of pornography for men like that it was my responsibility to arouse them when in reality I am an actual human being having a real life experience that doesn’t have to appeal to an audience but rather an opportunity for me to experience pleasure myself. I can’t do that if I’m worried that he won’t like, comment and subscribe to my body. It’s not an audition.

    TL;DR: Just show the man dem titties and enjoy the sensation of having your nipples sucked.

  21. I loved her, we got along great, sex was great, she was really special. “Why did you break up with her?”

    She would never let me see her boobs and it got awkward.

    Guys favorite boobs are the ones that he is allowed to see and touch. It is that simple.

    Let them out to play and be played with.

  22. I can totally relate to your insecurities… I have small boobs with inverted nipples.. they only look “normal” when they’re hard/stimulated. I remember being so nervous about showing them to my boyfriend for the first time, because they didn’t look “normal” in my eyes. We have now been together for over 12 years and he has been my husband for almost 6. He loves my boobs! You have nothing to lose. If he doesn’t love them (which I highly doubt), then he wasn’t for you in the first place.

  23. your nipples sound like mine and mine are certainly not ‘objectively ugly’ so yours can’t be either 🙂

  24. Let’s face it, none of us look like Barbie and Ken. You’re perfect the way you are. God knitted you together in your mother’s womb (Psalms 139:13). God doesn’t make mistakes. Love yourself for who you are and be proud of your body. I’m 99% sure your boyfriend will love your breasts. If he doesn’t than you know he’s not the one for you and it’s time to look for a different guy who will love you completely—flaws and all.

  25. For him to do something drastic like break up with you or like you less because of the shape of your nipples would make him as neurotic as the characters in Seinfeld. It would be comically ridiculous. Don’t worry man, he’s gonna love ‘em

  26. Idk how long y’all have been dating but If I was your boyfriend, my mind would be in the gutter right now. I would be asking myself “why won’t she show them?”, “Does she not trust me yet?” or “does she not feel comfortable with me yet?”. HOWEVER, this is obviously something you need to be comfortable showing first. Regardless of what your boobs looked like, is it something you are comfortable showing? Never feel pressured into doing something.

    I (22M) was in a similar situation w my girlfriend (21F) except I was the one being worried. We’ve dated for 4 months and this is my first relationship EVER. I also lost my virginity to her. I was always hesitant to start relationships or have sex with women because of my penis size. I waited years and told myself that I must find the perfect girl to feel comfortable showing my penis. Im 6’5 190 lbs and my penis is about 5-5.2 inches in length and 5 inches of girth. Sure this is “average” but definitely not for my body size and it looks very disproportionate. The first time we had sex, she could tell I was extremely nervous and bothered by it. I don’t think she saw my penis the first time we had sex. I am still uncomfortable showing it and REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE showing it soft. Let’s just say I grow about 3.5 to 4 inches…I’ll let you do the math to find out what it looks like soft…I’ve definitely become more comfortable and don’t really have that problem anymore. It sorta became a problem bc she would say “im your girlfriend, we’ve had sex multiple times, why are you still worried about showing me?”. Which was true and since then I’ve been pretty open about it. I think you need to have more trust in your partner as long as you are comfortable doing so.

  27. All boobs are great, especially boobs attached to the woman you care about.

    Vulnerability is a big part of relationships, just be yourself.

  28. There’s a subreddit called puffynipples or something with over 100k subscribers….I think it’s safe to say ppl like puffy nips

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