I’ve (23F) talked to a couple of guys (not at the same time) and both of them said they never felt a connection as strong as with me with anyone else. I ultimately ended things with them because I did not feel that connection back. but for future interactions, I’m curious… how can I tell that this isn’t just a common line and that they’re actually being truthful… ?

  1. I’d want to give the benefit of the doubt and say it’s true, it’s not easy to open up as dudes and well it’s understandable if it’s not mutual but it’s not easy to open up

  2. You’re not going to know when they tell you. You have to know them long enough to know you can trust what they say. Which takes different time for different people

  3. If they say it but you’ve given them no reason too then it’s safe to assume it’s bs, be wary of anyone who talks like this when you barely know them

  4. Tell them you don’t sex before Marriage.
    It’ll separate the little boys from the crazys.

  5. If you don’t feel it then it’s hard to force it. Also remember guys will say anything to get into your pants.

  6. You’ll notice you mostly hear this shit after like 3 to 6 weeks.

    WEEKS, it’s likely infatuation most people in thier 20s don’t know the difference between

    “wow I think I love this person” and

    “wow I think I love the idea of this person” or

    “I love the idea of having sex with this person/ actually having sex with this person”

    I hate to say it I really do, these might be good dudes that are trying to open up, but realistically it’s most likely a mix of inexperienced guys who think they really mean it or experienced dudes just tryna fuck.

    As far as knowing if its “The real deal” you gotta at least feel something back, that’s the minimum right there. I have a feeling you’re just gonna know. If you don’t, how well do they respect your boundaries, sounds cliche but your not gonna have a real connection with someone who just wants to wreck through all your shit and expect you to fall in line, unless your into that sort of thing. I guess the point really becomes how attentive are they to your needs how well do they understand your wants do you feel as if you can anticipate one another. Well shit what am I saying there are plenty of people in a relationship with a complete ass or total goober and find a way to make it work.

    You kinda see what I’m saying? It takes time to know if there is gonna be a connection you can have it one day and not feel it the next, it’s a mix of everything and sweet nothings like the things you are hearing guys say.

    It really becomes a matter of how well do you know what you’re looking for. It seems like your doing all right in that department

  7. Realistically you can’t tell if it just a line right away, it takes time and him showing interest and wanting to talk, know things about and be with you to know it us a real connection

  8. You have no way of ever actually knowing what another person genuinely thinks. Personally, I don’t use ‘lines’ and wouldn’t say something like that unless I meant it. Some guys however, do use lines.

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