So basically I have a friend who’s family I’ve known for years. Our families have known each other before we were both born. Ive never really spoken to him before and used to always speak to his younger siblings. However, we were at an event a couple months ago and I finally started speaking to him and when I meant talking I meant talking with him and his sister. I kept it very low key and was asking about him about his career and Stuff and it is probably the first time I’ve ever really had a conversation with him even though his sister was there.

I’ve thought he was attractive before, but never said anything since I didn’t think he’d reciprocate, but after the conversation, like literally the next morning, he looked me up on Instagram (we didn’t follow each other), started following me and then sent me the DM along the lines “hey it’s me (insert name) how’re you?” I didn’t see the message till 4 days later, and I replied to him ”Ashley’s brother? Yea what’s up?” Since that message I’ve literally never seen him on Instagram since, and he never read my message that I know of. I even questioned his message a couple weeks after. His status on his Instagram never says “active now” or “active whatever amount of time ago”

Basically I’m asking why do you think he did this, should I message him again via Instagram and be like are you good?, should I try to find him on Snapchat and add him or would that be desperate, or should I DM his sister and be like can your brother check his Instagram? I don’t want to come across as a needy person who has nothing to do his in their spare time, but I think he’s really sweet. His house is really close from where I’m residing, so I’ve been thinking about coming up with a reason as to why I should stop by, but I really don’t know what to do.

Tl:dr I like this guy who’s a family friend and I’ve known him for years and after we spoke for the first time ever he messaged me but when I message him back he disappears. Advice ?

1 comment
  1. IMO messaging through insta can be hit or miss depending on if both people are into the platform.3 If he’s shy, your msg could be misread as a low key rejection (like, “I only remember you as Ashley’s brother” = “you weren’t that interesting”).

    IDK, find him on snap and hit him up, or re-ping him on insta… mention some place you like in your hood to give him an open conv. starter. Worth taking a shot to make connections.

    Disclaimer, I am an old, but this is what I would tell me from 15 years ago.

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