What are your experiences with an abusive partner? How did you finally escape the situation?

  1. There was a transit strike and I couldn’t get anywhere to see her for two weeks. I realised how much happier I was without her I was.

  2. 20 years ago, 18 months of physical and emotional violence, starvation and working myself to near death. She was profoundly mentally ill and I was a kid who didn’t know any better.

    It took my mum coming and taking me out of the flat I was staying at, I hadn’t seen my girlfriend for a week at that point anyway. There’s still a lot of residual trauma there to process.

  3. I dated a girl for years who started sweet but would get handsy and violent when drunk. If I said no she would hit me and call me gay and stuff. Then she started insulting me regularly and it started to feel like this is just how love is suppose to be. We were together for years so I’m stuck forever right? I had only one friend who was a girl left because I couldn’t be friends with anyone and this was my oldest friend so I hid her from her. And somehow I still felt bad about that rofl. Mainly because we had a thing in highschool but I left for the military before anything happened and when I came home she was with someone but we stayed close friends. After a bad fight I left to go have some drinks with a friend and she admitted her feelings for me. That next day she left her boyfriend and told me. I broke up with my gf which was a shit show in itself but I knew I needed too and tried to take it slow with a new relationship. We are married with two kids now.

  4. Never date a stripper. She was sweet and innocent at first and quickly learned she was an alcoholic. She would get black out drunk and then violent drunk and she would fight with me and beat me from time to time. She was also into Santeria and we went to the High Priestess of Voodoo to get her some materials and she put a spell on me “to never forget her”. She also bought us a Jade love stone to bind us. One day she was drunk and violet and threw the Jade love stone at me and nearly killed me. I walked out on her and she locked me out of the house. When she went to work the next day, I had the locksmith change the locks on the apartment and got all my shit out of there, moved to my buddy’s house, and block her number and never spoke to her again. She apparently placed a bounty on my head but I escaped the state and moved to another coast. I guess the love spell work because I have never forgotten her crazy ass. LOL!

  5. She had a lot of severe mental health issues, which stayed hidden for the first 6 months of the relationship, then a switch was flipped, in the next six months we went from one fight ever month or two, to multiple times a day. It was a very emotionally abusive relationship. She had no friends and would have likely ended up Unalived herself if I left. She wasn’t a bad person and mentioned a lot to me, so I stayed in the relationship another six months. One of the many times she broke up with me and patched up again, I put my foot down. That was followed by an year of her trying to get me to hop into the relationship again, a attempt to unalive herself, after which I was able to get her to make her go to therapy. Then we didnt talk for a few months, when she got a lot better, got her shit in order. We were good friends for a year after that, but she went bat shit crazy towards the end of it, doing everything to emotionally hurt me. I cut contact with her after that. Worked on myself, my physical and mental health, indulged in my hobbies, got a job, and am in the best place mentally, and emotionally that I have been in a long long while.

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