I have a loving and caring boyfriend of 4 years, but something has recently turned up. 4 years ago we started dating. And have been together for 3 years, i work as a accountant and my boyfriend claimed to work as a truck driver. He would sometimes go on long trips to deliver stuff. Recently like about a week ago i made a new friend (F26) via a party. I don’t use social media but recently she started to get me onto snapchat. She said she was single but was recently interested in a dude from a one night stand. She pulls up a account of him on snapchat and it has a bunch of pictures of this guy .who looks exactly like my boyfriend. She continued on to say that he has been staying at her house for the past week. The dates matched up to the days my boyfriend was away. I tell my friend about this and she said she will comfront him for me. I told her i just want to find out the truth then we can confront him. So i went to his sister and asked her and she said he said he was a truck driver but has never owned a truck but she assumed it was at our place. I also assumed it was at his family place. I want to confront him. Should i?

B.t.w i am a reddit virgin so pls don’t come after me.

  1. “Looked just like your boyfriend”

    ….. he’s been staying at her house. Doesn’t she have his phone number? Can’t she call him in front of you and confirm this is him?

    I would get your facts straight with her first.

    And then after that, if it’s true….. I don’t think there is anything to confront. He’s cheating. And lying. She wasn’t the first and won’t be the last. Leave.

  2. Girl, you have enough evidence. He’s been living this lie for 3-4 years. People who can lie to you like that, don’t like having their lies proved to them. Do not confront. Abort the whole mission. Figure out how to get out of this safely.

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