So last week I got a cold sore (not sure how btw..), and before I figured it was a cold sore and not just some acne or something, I kissed my GF and passed it on. She started developing one yesterday, while mine are almost gone (just some scabs are left). My question is this: can we safely kiss/have sex or will we end up passing it back and forth to each other? Thanks!

  1. Once you have oral herpes, it never goes away, which also means you can’t be reinfected by someone else. You guys are good, just stay away from the oral sex.

  2. I would definitely hold off till the cold sore is gone, cause if it’s irrited it’s just gonna keep spreading. Cold sores are a type of herpes so you both already have it, it’s just a matter of whether it’s appearing on your body or not. Give it a day or two.

    Oh and protip, dont do any oral with a cold sore. It can lead to the receiver presenting with HSV-1 (which is the same strain as cold sores) genital herpes.

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