I (M22) and my ex (F22) broke off a 7 year long relationship about 2 months ago. Some background, she and I thought we were going to get married and live the rest of our lives together, and I have no ill thoughts of her, other than I felt blindsided by the breakup and had my own personal thoughts, but I wanted more conversations before calling it quits. I just went through and finally deleted everything from photos to texts to voicemails, and I’m still having a rough time with it. The reason we broke it off is a little to do with incompatibility and the way we grew into our own ways over the last 7 years, and I pretended that I was completely on board with it and that it was very mutual and amicable, but I have been having a real shitty time with it. What are some ways y’all recommend to help heal or keep myself distracted without abandoning my morals?

TL;DR: gf and I were together 7 years, she thinks it’s mutual as I pretended to be ok with it, but I’m still torn up and it’s been 2+ months. Advice on ways to heal or keep busy without abandoning morals would be appreciated.

  1. I was in a similar situation. She actually cheated on me but what I did was see as much live music as possible, camp in nature and talk to people who could relate. It took about 2-3 months but I am pretty sure I’m over her. She still hits me up saying she misses me but I will not allow myself to fall back into a manipulative relationship, which would only trap me and cause more pain.

  2. Give it five more months, at which point you may have settled into accepting the breakup and be ready to consider dating again.

  3. You’re freeeeeeeeeeeee. How are you not excited you’re young. Do you know how many pretty girls are out there? Everything I had a breakup I thought life was over but I just ended up meeting my soul mate. Enjoy your precious freedom and work on yourself. Everything is happening the way it should.

  4. The relationship probably lasted a few years too long anyway. Neither of you know yourself at 15.

    The worst thing that could happen is that you get married because you are still compatible because neither of you grew much as a person past 15.

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