On Sunday eve (two nights ago) I engaged in some pretty rough oral sex— rougher than I’ve done before. It was fun at the time but I noticed afterwards my throat was a bit sore. Today the soreness felt worse so I shone a flashlight and noticed my uvula (hanging ball) is dark red on one side and it looks like a very small white line at the very back. From reference photos online it doesn’t look like gonorrhoea, and doesn’t appear to be as extreme as strep… could it just be bruised and irritated from the action? Should I go to the doctor or wait and see how it heals? An advice from people with similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE: I am now congested and most likely have a cold or covid. I think it was just weird timing? Anyways, thanks for all the responses!

  1. Could be swelling from bruising, but honestly, I would see a doctor. Get tested just in case.

    They’ve seen everything – I know it’s uncomfortable, but just be honest with them and say what you wrote here in your post. Ask them to test you for STDs.

    Edit: and I will say, I’ve had some rough oral but have never experienced the pain or discoloration you described.

  2. A bit of a good silicone based lube like Exxtreme Glide Silicone, Pjur Backdoor, Uberlube… will help you avoid the friction and rubbing induced superficial “bruising”

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