I (28f) have a study debt (in Europe) took from my friend (she has well paid job and willingly offered me since beginning). From the time I started my student job, every month I have returned the money at least a small amount to reduce the amount. I have started my job last month and the transferred amount is nearly 40% of my salary. Every time I transferred the money, she keep bugging to send her more and giving pressure over texts/phone. I am saving money for emergency fund and my driving license.
The rest amount 4500 euros will be finished end of the October (40% of my salary+emergency funds+savings).

I shared my stressed to my bf(33m) and he is willing to share the rest of the amount. I will return the amount end of the next month. I am just worried would it make any negative impact on our relationship? Thank you in advance.

  1. Real relationships wouldn’t be strained by helping each other, he’s offered to help, and you’ve offered to repay him, you keep your promise and he helps, there should be no strain, if he’s not tight on funds he may even be okay with the amount you can afford to pay back or he may one day tell you there’s no need to repay him, but you have to keep your end of the deal until that day comes….

  2. >I am just worried would it make any negative impact on our relationship?

    It shouldn’t. If your dude’s a halfway decent guy it will absolutely have no impact.

  3. If your bf is able to help, and doesn’t offer, I would be concerned.

    There may be a day when you need to help him.

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