ETA context: So if someone answers a question with ‘not really’ is it a solid no or more of a ‘ehh maybe, not quite’.

  1. It means no, but they don’t want to give you a hard no. It means something else is preferred.

  2. It could be a number of things, ranging from “you’re close but not quite right” to “you’re entirely wrong but I don’t want to make you feel stupid” depending on specific context.

  3. What’s the question?

    Do you like mushrooms? Not really.

    Are you hungry? Not really.

    Do you want chipotle? Not really.

    They’re all less than a full on no, but also not a first choice.

  4. Really hard to answer without more details. If the question is something like, “Are you interested in having me as a boyfriend?” a response of “not really” is a hard no. If you are hitting on someone you don’t know, or trying to start a conversation and you ask them if they like something, “not really” is more of a “fuck off, I don’t want to talk to you.”

    In other contexts, it’s just a lazy answer.

  5. It’s a no. Whether it’s a hard or soft no is going to depend on the context.

  6. Usually no but in a nice way. You think this will work? Not really…probably not…

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